Eleanor O'Brien

In this campy screwball comedy, environmentalist Larry takes an experimental virility drug to woo back his wife Mary who's having an affair with Barry who works for Thierry who plans to destroy the remaining habitat of the endangered pocket mouse. Larry and Barry both take a double dose of the virility drug and when it makes them gay their entire world view changes. Barry resists and attempts ridiculous 'conversion' treatments; Larry discovers the joys of being a gay man. They both get what they want in the end.

A cash-strapped dad gets a job as the mascot of a chicken takeaway to make ends meet for his young family. They need to fly the nest of his overbearing mother, but can the plucky dad make it even to his first payday, dressed as a giant chicken?

A comedy-drama road movie telling the story of a man bringing the body of someone he barely knows for burial with his family. His good intentions are motivated by trying to patch up his relationship with his own brother. However, en route from West Cork to Rathlin Island, both romance and family secrets emerge to complicate the trip.


Donna is sent to a reform school to take the fall for bad boy Vince. Inside, she makes friends and learns about herself.


A teen couple who have special needs are harassed by a gang. Their response to the attack changes the day for everyone.