Eleanor Summerfield

Four British teens on vacation visit an island and discover that a terrorist group is using it as their headquarters.


No sooner does an all-American family takes possession of a baronial English manor when all manner of peculiar things occurring, including signs that point to the disappearance of a young girl during a solar eclipse decades before. Bette Davis headlines and Lynn-Holly Johnson co-stars in this suspenseful take on haunted houses.


A former British Secret Service agent is persuaded to negotiate a spy exchange with Russia, only to find himself drawn into political intrigues.


Four people go to great lengths to obtain the fortune left in a will by a very wealthy practical joker.


An insurance man (Alan Bates) gets chummy in Spain with a couple (Laurence Harvey, Lee Remick) who have collected on a fake death.


Committed pacifist Tom Jordan's decision to help former President Rivera escape a military coup is a simple act of mercy that takes him and his wife to the edge of despair. It turns them into outlaws and fugitives, hunted by a vicious regime; yet it could also bring them together in a way they have never been before.


An Edinburgh travel agent loses his keys and his fiancé in one night. A friend finds the keys and makes loads of copies with his address attached as a joke. She gives them to him as he leaves for a holiday. He gives the keys to several women he romances across the continent. He gets engaged again by phone and arranges to meet his fiancé at his flat, but the flat isn't empty


Tricked into joining the RAF by a wily judge, wide boy Horace Pope sets his sights on the main chance, teams with slow-witted, good-hearted gypsy Pedlar Pascoe, and works up a lucrative racket in conning both his colleagues and the RAF. By means of various devious schemes Pope and Pascoe manage to avoid the front lines until they are sent to France - where they find themselves making unexpected and uncomfortably close contact with the enemy.


It is London in the year 1960 and John Saunders enthusiastically begins his new teaching career at a tough slum-area school. His class are bored pupils in their last term before leaving. Will he handle the grave problems that lie ahead?


When her father dies, Epifania Parerga, an Italian in London, becomes the world's richest woman. She feels incomplete without a husband and falls in love with a humble, Indian physician, Ahmed el Kabir, much loved by his indigent English patients.


The misfortunes that befall three dental students when they become unwitting accessories to a burglary.


Bittersweet story about London's unwanted children and the good people trying to help them. Ann is a social worker, while Bill is an electrician whose contract with the local care home introduces him to the children and Ann. Events start to escalate out of control when a child takes possession of a loaded gun.


Steve Stratton (Macdonald Carey) is a hardboiled hunter who catches and keeps wild animals in an African sanctuary in order to sell them to zoos and circuses. When he hires a new veterinarian named "P.J. Muir," he does not imagine that the "P" stands for Pamela, played by the gorgeous Rhonda Fleming!


An 18 month old baby disappears in London. Detective Inspector Craig tries to find the child but there aren't many clues.


IT’S GREAT TO A YOUNG stars John Mills as Dingle an easygoing high school teacher. When autocratic new headmaster Frome (Cecil Parker) begins imposing all sorts of repressive rules, Dingle does his best to stand up for his students, only to be dismissed for his troubles. The kids conspire to not only reinstate their favourite teacher, but to circumvent Frome's refusal to purchase new instruments for an upcoming music festival.


A famed trumpet player is suspected of murdering a blues singer. Using only two minor clues, he narrows the suspects to four people, but only after surviving poison placed on the mouthpiece of his trumpet!


Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law (Cecil Parker) is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles, (who also serves as a commentator throughout the film.) Complications arise when stuffy lord, Sir George Probus, at whose home Virginia is staying, becomes stuffy-Brit shocked when she attends a carnival. Virginia is also irked because Frank isn't more manly. They nearly all turn up at a convalescent home, where Uncle Willie brings the young lovers together, and announces that milk will be his only beverage-of-choice in the future.


When a beautiful girl offers Casey Morrow a lot of money for a mystery job, Morrow doesn't ask too many questions. But when the girl's father is found murdered the following day and Morrow's coat is soaked with blood perhaps a little more caution should have been exercised. An intriguing story of deception, greed and immorality.


An English reporter (John Bentley) and his helper (Eleanor Summerfield) investigate war veterans slain on July 10.


London policewomen (Anne Crawford, Rosamund John) handle rescues and larceny as they go about their work in Chelsea.


London, the early 1950s. Born deaf, Mandy is mute for most of her childhood. As she reaches school age her family itself is in danger of breaking up. Christine (Phylis Calvert), Mandy's mother, has heard of a residential school for the oral education of the deaf. A heart-rending adaptation of Hilda Lewi's novel The Day is Ours, from acclaimed director Alexander Mackendrick, Mandy is an Ealing Studios classic.


A married bookstore owner is blackmailed after he makes a pass at his new sexy blonde clerk.


When an eccentric practical joker dies, he divides his fortune among four heirs. But before they can collect the cash they must each do something which goes completely against their nature.


Suave supercilious Carling (Karel Stepanek) receives several callers to his isolated house, all of whom hold a grudge against him. Next morning a corpse is found, and later identified as his by one of the visitors.


Ebenezer Scrooge (Alastair Sim) malcontentedly shuffles through life as a cruel miserly businessman until one fateful Christmas Eve when he is visited by three spirits, sent show him how his unhappy childhood and maladaptive adult behavior over has let him a selfish, lonely, bitter old man. Released in the USA as "A Christmas Carol".


Newspaper reporter Nat Hearn returns home after serving in the Royal Air Force during World War II. When one of the paper's owners dies, the man's partner and son offers Nat a position as editor in return for his financial backing. But Nat's reluctance to shy away from controversial issues raises more than a few eyebrows.


A gangster's girl loves a one-eyed boxer who is framed for robbery.


A man recently gone AWOL from the Army (Derek Farr) is arrested in a store robbery that occurred while he was shopping. With help from a beautiful lawyer (Joan Hopkins), he must prove his innocence.


Nurse Shirley Yorke must assist her boss Dr Napier, the only person able of effecting a new treatment on the ailing wife of a British Lord. The woman dies and the finger is very strongly pointed at Sister Shirley because she and the Lord were former lovers.


A British housewife does her own battles against the enemy during World War II.


When her husband is wrongly accused of murder, an opera singer sets out to find the real culprit.
