Elena Pedemonte

A blind, but deadly, gunman, is hired to escort fifty mail order brides to their miner husbands. His business partners double cross him, selling the women to bandit Domingo. Blindman heads into Mexico in pursuit.


The simple story has the pair coming to the rescue of peace-loving Mormons when land-hungry Major Harriman sends his bullies to harass them into giving up their fertile valley. Trinity and Bambino manage to save the Mormons and send the bad guys packing with slapstick humor instead of excessive violence, saving the day.


Sabata is condemned for a murder he never committed, but as he is about to be hanged, a mysterious man throws him a gun! Sabata escapes, wounding the guard whom somebody else shortly after kills. Someone wants to get our friend accused for a long list of crimes, but the strength of his innocence will save him. Having convinced the sheriff, the dramatic search for the guilty one begins.
