Elena Podkaminskaya

Armenia, 1979. Mountains, sun, beautiful green meadows and a holiday feeling. After a funny episode at school, the girls Narine and Manyunya become best friends. Very quickly, funny relatives of the main characters appear in the frame. Ba, the grandmother of Manyuni, stands out in particular. Narine was very afraid of a strict woman, but during their acquaintance it turned out that Ba bakes cookies that melt in your mouth and a delicious apple pie. Fidget girls are waiting for a lot of funny adventures.

After the Great War, which led to the disappearance of almost the entire population of the planet, 200 years have passed. The remnants of humanity live in a perfect One State. Despite the authoritarian system, where each resident has his own serial number, uniform, glass houses and scheduled sex, happiness and harmony reign in society. The D-503 engineer considers such a life ideal and glorifies it, investing all his knowledge and talent in the construction of a super-powerful spacecraft. A chance meeting with an I-330 woman completely reverses D-503's self-image. With genuine horror, he discovers within himself the uncontrollable “ancient” impulses, feelings and passions. And he will have to find out that there are those who do not like the existing world order and who seek to destroy the last bastion of humanity on Earth - the One State ...

The unique view on the well-known story of Christ's death and resurrection, which we see with the eyes of brigand Barabbas who got away from death on the cross.


This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.


The employees of the famous Russian "Claude Monet" restaurant are forced to move their business to Paris.


A young businessman tries to rent a family in order to impress his rich relative.

Maria returns to the city where her family lives, her friends — those whom she loves more than life, those with whom she was separated for six long years. Mary was convicted of murder. A small town where everyone knows each other, still at a loss: how could a young woman kill her husband? Only Mary herself knows the truth and the price of this tragic event from the past. The long-awaited return home becomes a real test for her.

A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?


Maxim Kammerer fights for his love and freedom. He leads a rebel movement challenging the five greedy rulers. One of the rulers, Strannik, knows how dangerous Maxim can be. He makes up his mind to stop the young man at any cost. The last close fight will decide everything.


An ordinary family - Sergey, Lena and two children - are experiencing another family crisis. Love has cooled down for a long time, the couple forgot what they were striving for, and most importantly, they no longer remember why they were together. Misunderstanding and understatement in the family leads to the fact that Lena begins to suspect her faithful of virtual treason - too much time Sergey spends on the computer in the Internet chat. To return her husband, Lena goes to Chat under the guise of a 20-year-old girl. Sergei, who does not suspect that this is his wife, completely forgets about the existence of the real Lena. A virtual romance is already threatening to break up in a real family, but the case intervenes ...

Four novels of the film-almanac are united by a common theme - all the most important happens in reality, and not on the Internet. Politicians and housewives, students and stars, adults and adolescents all over the earth take millions of selfies every day. Perhaps these photos will remain a dead weight in the phone's memory, but sometimes they can change lives. However, the heroes of the tape do not suspect anything about it...