Elena Shulman

A mysterious anomaly occurs off the coast of Cuba — a huge water tornado draws in water, draining the ocean. Belka and Strelka are sent by the Soviet rules to the island of fraternal peoples with an intelligence mission. The old friends will see beauties of Cuban nature and the azure expanse to the ocean, and the underwater world shrouded in secrets. They have to go through a series of dangerous adventures that will not only lead them to unravel the Cuban anomaly, but also test their friendship.

The story begins with the good, but poor Potter, who once finds Flint, a magical artifact that makes its owner rich, but instead sends a death curse. Potter can be saved only by the dedication of the main character - a girl named Twinkle. Without hesitation, she rushes to the rescue of a friend, helping him to understand that love and honest work are more important than money and power.


An original interpretation of Baba Yaga's story that goes beyond the traditional image of this character. What led the young sorceress Yadviga to turn into the recluse Yaga, living on a swamp in a hut on chicken legs? And what will happen when Princess Sapphire (Sineglazka) accidentally stumbles across Yaga's swamp in her quest to find rejuvenating apples at the world's edge for her evil witch stepmother? Baba Yaga is a colorful and fascinating journey, in which the power of friendship and faith in humanity triumphs over betrayal and evil.

The lovably simple residents of peaceful Kikoriki Island are thrown kicking and screaming into big adventure, when their resident scientist invents an amazing device - a helmet called "the Improverizor," which takes personality traits from one person and swaps them with traits of someone else. But when spineless young Wally tries to use the untested device to cure his cowardice, he ends up even more spineless - by getting accidentally body-switched with a squirmy little caterpillar. Now he has even more to fear than he could have ever imagined, and so do his fellow villagers, as they're dragged into a madcap adventure packed with plane crashes, mistaken identities, erupting volcanoes and angry primitives on the warpath. Boy, do the Kikoriki Crew wish they could switch place now - with anyone.


"The Adventures of Luntik" or simply "Luntik" is a Russian animated series for children of preschool age. It is the story of a small fluffy creature, Luntik, who was born on the Moon and fell from it, on to the Earth. Luntik is the main character and each episode features a story about him and his friends. Luntik is new to the Earth and in each episode he learns something about this new world. He meets new friends, learns how to be polite and even gets a family. The majority of the characters in the series are small animals: insects, fish, frogs, bees, grasshoppers, ladybugs etc. The show features both adult and children characters. The series are shown from the child's perspective and the stories are very kind and warm. Even the "villains" of the series - two caterpillars - are just a couple of mischievous kids. Each episode is only 6 minutes long and has a finished story line.


When he refused to support power-hungry witch, the good shoemaker's boy, Jacob is transformed into a hunchbacked dwarf with overlong nose. Of their mother no longer recognized, mocked by the people of the city and driven away, Jacob runs one day a goose on the road. Together with the spring animal - in fact the king's daughter Greta enchanted - Jacob is now trying to make the transformation to reverse and put the wicked witch craft.
