Elena Weinberg

Alone on a camping trip in a national forest, a woman must overcome the threat of a serial killer and a supernatural being to survive.

When a shut-in dies alone and returns as a housebound ghost, he finds himself at the mercy of a world that didn’t even notice he was gone.

An artistic couple living in Austin, Texas, wake up one day to discover they are the last two people left on Earth.


A killer is stalking the actors of Quadruple X films and trying to get a cut of his favorite porn stars.


Chris, lost in his late twenties and scrambling to find a sense of identity, returns home to small town Texas when he learns that his mother died. As he confronts the family, friends, life and love he abandoned, Chris must finally come to terms with his decision to run and try to take control of his own future.


After coming out to his father, Taylor seeks comfort in his best friend, Jesse.

After seeing a dance recital, a woman becomes obsessed with the lead dancer.
