Elfriede Schüsseleder

Rudi wears a suit, Daniel rides a bike. But despite all the differences between the two brothers, they become interested in the same woman. For different reasons, however - as Nora soon discovers...A comedy with depths, about loyalty, family ties and manipulation.


After a violent incident, Martha Müller is disillusioned with the teaching profession and decides that she does not want to get involved so much as a teacher. At her new school in Vienna, however, she is immediately confronted with a problem Ilayda. The 17-year-old Turkish student lives in Vienna with her very well integrated family. But she decided to wear a headscarf after her father's death. However, this distinguishes her more and more from her class.


A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
