Elie Chalouhy

Yehia, known as Pharaoh, reassembles a group of six of his old friends, each with a unique combating skill, to travel to Syria under the pretense of bounty hunting. Their real mission is to save his kidnapped son from the hands of Franco and his ISIS gangsters after they assaulted Syrian refugees, including Yehia's wife, and took away the children to a district that is currently under his control.


A group of ideas based on the reality of Lebanese society, where some Lebanese families still favor the idea of giving inheritance to men only; the girl will marry and take on the name of another man as they think, and through a love story between (Sami) the aristocrat and (Christine) the rural, the issue of discrimination against women is addressed, and the idea of how girls are the ones standing next to their parents, and other societal issues in the context .