Elijah Nelson

When Mike finds out that he has he same neurological disease as his father, he decides to enter a chain of assisted suicides, which operates under one rule: if you want to die, you must kill someone first.


Two siblings are whisked away by an intelligent fairy to become part of a real life game they must complete before coming back to the real world.


Train Master Jeremiah Wilson has kept a secret for 50 years. A clue is hidden along the miniature tracks of his model trains of a long lost treasure.


After moving his family to a small Northwest town, Pastor Dan Bennett begins to suspect that all might not be as idyllic as he first imagined. Strange spiritual obsessions begin to unearth age-old secrets, and personal threats await anyone who dares confront them. He realizes he must not only prepare his new congregation to face the assault, but also fortify his own home as evil seeks to invade and shake it to its very foundation.


Ever judge someone just by looking at them? Of course, we’ve all made snap judgments about people. But what if we really got to know them? How would our opinions change? And what if we were forced to become them… how would the shoes fit then? Stressed-out high school teacher Trish Fahey can’t understand her students’ lack of effort and why their parents don’t seem to care. This perspective dramatically changes when Trish meets Molly, a mysterious stranger intent on helping her see things differently. When Trish wrecks her car, Molly is there as Trish wakes to find herself living the life of Cindy Kremer, the woman she has personally judged and criticized. Trish discovers that there is often more to the story and learns a powerful lesson that affects everyone she interacts with. Her husband, her daughter, the ex-Marine next door… No one is left unchanged.
