Elith Pio

The mysterious Mr. Steinmetz has the acquired the ability to create things and beings by will alone. Only, after a while his creations invariably disappear. He therefore approaches a famous brain surgeon, Max Holst, who he hopes can help him with this problem. When Max refuses, Steinmetz brings his doppelgänger into being to replace him.


Danish melodrama about a housemaid struggling to find normalcy and love in the midst of war.


A sort of forerunner to Hollywood's Boogie Nights (1997), this Danish melodrama is set in the world of strip clubs. A medical student (Frits Helmuth) earns money for tuition working in a burlesque joint. He falls for one of the girls (Malene Schwarz), but she is also involved with a movie director (John Price). The director and Helmuth get into a philosophical debate about love and Darwinism, and the film ends with a duel (the film's title). Duellen was met with mostly incomprehension when it premiered and is no more lucid when viewed today. The striptease scene featuring full-frontal nudity is tame by modern standards.


dansk film der skal ses


A good natured soldier with a killer right hand, falls in love with a beautiful girl who has a troubled past.


dansk film der skal ses


Præsten på Snarø, Adam Valerius, er enkemand på tredje år, og frøkenerne i sognet står i kø for at blive den næste præstefrue. Men da Adams enlige husholderske pludselig bliver gravid, går snakken i det lille samfund, og snart bliver biskoppen tilkaldt. Ved et skæbnens puds bliver den københavnske skuespiller Emil Flor, som er på vej til øen, forvekslet med biskoppen, og han lever sig ind i rollen og løser elegant konflikten. Men så dukker den rigtige biskop op… Hele Danmarks Ib Schønberg var her, der og alle vegne i dansk film i 1940'erne. Men det var i denne komedie af Emanuel Gregers, at han oplevede sin karrieres største komediesucces. I ”Biskoppen”, som blev indspillet midt i besættelsestiden, er han den forfængelige skuespiller Flor, der griber chancen, da den rigtige ”rolle” byder sig. Og som desværre bliver i rollen til efter tæppefald!


A woman wants to teach her unfaithful husband a lesson for his constant stepping out. However, she might fall into her own trap when she falls in love with an attractive pianist.


The "Tango Bar" is the fashion of the moment. The city's party-goers have chosen the small, cozy, intimate local venue for the night's wee hours. Gaby Grant is an ideal hostess who knows how to get guests to forget the day's sorrows and troubles - and knows how to get them to pay.


Grave robbing, torture, possessed nuns, and a satanic Sabbath: Benjamin Christensen's legendary film uses a series of dramatic vignettes to explore the scientific hypothesis that the witches of the Middle Ages suffered the same hysteria as turn-of-the-century psychiatric patients. But the film itself is far from serious-- instead it's a witches' brew of the scary, gross, and darkly humorous.


The judge in a Danish town sees his illegitimate daughter facing a trial for the murder of her newborn child.


A simple-minded circus strongman, John Sikes, has been wrongly accused of a crime committed by Wilken. On the run with his infant son, he enters an affluent house and seeks help from Ann, but is taken captive and imprisoned. Fourteen years pass. Ann has married Dr. Richard West. John, a broken man, is released early for good behaviour. He goes to find his son Robert at the orphanage, but the boy was adopted years before.


A Danish short about the tragedies of war.

The bank guard and the director hear mysterious sounds coming from the basement vault, where all the gold is kept, and call in Master detective Pat Corner. Studying a floor plan, Corner quickly discovers a tunnel leading directly into the vault from a nearby pub. The tunnel ends in an old barn where an blind beggar often sleeps. Is he the one rummaging around the vault? (stumfilm.dk)

In a mansion full of secret rooms and passageways, people are dying shortly after seeing the ghost of a woman in gray, as an old legend dictates. Called in to solve the mystery, Sherlock Holmes has doubts about the supernatural aspect of the crimes and focuses on a more earthly culprit.