Elizabeth Killian

A peculiar, meticulous, vocationally archeological account of the professional life of the actor, Spanish by birth, Argentinean by adoption, Narciso Ibañez Menta (1912-2004), spiritual disciple of Lon Chaney, the new man of a thousand faces, master of horror, star of Argentinean theater, cinema and television for decades…


A portrait of frivolous youth. Unfortunate events force a group of club-hopping young men and women to face reality and reevaluate their lifestyle.


A young woman returns to her neighborhood love after having left everything to succeed in song.


An orphan girl tries by all means that her father does not marry with an ambitious woman.


Quirky but lovable priest is transferred to a new parish, and discovers that his flock all need stern talkings-to.


The son of a prostitute, longshoreman, fighter and bully.