Elvis Payne

Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked and he finds himself all alone on a tropical island. With a few tools he manages to rescue from the wreck he has to learn to support himself until help arrives.


Influential, cult classic, UK buddy road movie about two friends, one white and one black, who bond over their desire to escape from boredom and unemployment in Thatcher's Britain.


London. Three black robbers break into an Italian restaurant. Bittersweet comedy with political morality, inspired by a news story written by Peter Barnes, Age and Scarpelli.


A groundbreaking, high-calibre police drama, Wolcott was the first British production purposefully broadcast in the mini-series format – and also the first British police drama to feature a black actor in a leading role. Displaying the same rough, streetwise vibe as The Sweeney, Wolcott stars the charismatic George William Harris as a tough, loner detective with a gift for rubbing people up the wrong way. Winning massive viewing figures, its controversially unflinching depiction of racism and crime ensured that it has never been repeated or released in any format until now. Fresh out of uniform, supremely confident and keen to make waves, Wolcott is a man in the middle, facing hostility both from the community he polices and his colleagues in the Force. His investigations into the fatal stabbing of an old woman soon uncover a brutal drug war being fought between rival criminal gangs...

A British-born younger son of an immigrant family from Trinidad finds himself adrift between two cultures.


Sixteen-year-old Otis loathes school. He wants to be a professional footballer, but is good at drawing, so his mother wants him to be a draughtsman. Then, a new sports teacher appears at his South London comprehensive school, and life starts to look a little more hopeful...
