Emad Hamdy

A comic tale created by the late artist Hussein Al-Imam in order to pay tribute to the stars of the Egyptian cinema in its golden ages, where the main story of the film is based on the combination of scenes starring 21 stars of black and white stars, with other scenes written by the Imam and his heroine, to be the final product rediscovery Old stars in a new context.

A father loses his carpentry workshop after his son-in-law stops paying taxes regularly. His son Hassan, a bus driver, struggles hard to save his father’s workshop, while the daughters try to replace it with a new project inspired by the “Infitah” era.


Raouf gets involved with Azhar in their relationship, graduates and appoints a detective, Raouf abandons Azhar, and marries Rashid's daughter Siham. Azhar marries the pimp Zaghlol, and he forces her to work with him. Raouf surprised Azhar is accused in a case of prostitution. He regrets his abandonment, and stands with her.

Aziz goes to visit his friend Sherif while the latter's girlfriend, Salwa is in the house. As the two friends get drunk, Sherif passes out, only to wake up to the cops who arrest him for killing Salwa.

(Shaaban), a simple employee loves his colleague (Zeinab). The millionaire (Ghatrifi) dies, so his family search for one from his town or any relatives so that they can seize his inheritance. They reach where Shaaban lives, who is from the town of the millionaire. Ghatrifi family make a deal with Shaaban to assume the identity of Ghatrifi relative who lives abroad. Shaaban agrees to the deal for half of the millionaire's wealth.


Directed by Houssam El-Din Mustafa.


The story of the death of the Egyptian scientist Rauf is spreading after his disappearance, but his daughter Shahira cooperates with the journalist Sami Wahdan in search of her father, to find him hiding in Beirut for fear of secret papers that include all his research that some criminal gang wants to steal from him.

The movie is about an Egyptian female who gets involved in spying for Israel.


Fatima gets involved with the crook Abbas who lures her in with wealth before he gets arrested. Fatima meets Dr. Ahmed and he marries her despite her past, and she gives birth to Samir. When Abbas comes out of jail, he looks for Fatima, which turns her life into a nightmare.


After Laila's fiancé is killed, she decides to travel to her brother Samy in Aswan. She witnesses a murder from the balcony of the house and reports it to the police, as the gang seeks to kidnap Laila, the only witness.

Mamdouh is a lawyer who lives between his office and his wife Hanan, in the office clients hesitate, including Nawal, who decided to hunt Mamdouh, the interviews begin and after an evening Nawal tells him that he assaulted her, Nawal disappears for a while, then reappears and claims that she is pregnant, and tells him that she needs to be next to him in his house, And go to his house, and Mamdouh claims that Hanan is his cousin.

Hassan abandoned his fiancée Laila and married her friend Nargis, who is accused of killing Mustafa after being involved in a sinful relationship with him and gets arrested, prompting Hassan to try to return to his former fiancée Laila after his regret for leaving her.

Ra'fat marries Souad against his family's wishes and they go to live in Syria. When Ra'fat dies, Souad works to support her daughter Sahar who wants to marry her neighbor Walid. Souad falls ill but hides it from her daughter whom she sends to live with her rich aunt, Dalwat, in Cairo.

A just married couple receive threatening calls.

Camellia surrounds her husband Ahmed with suspicion, because of his actions and his obsession with his whims, and he depends on faking stories every time she finds out about him.

In a comedic form, a love story is shared between the widowed engineer Hilmi Abdelkader (Rushdi Abaza), who works in the field of oil and has eight children from his late wife, the young widow Samia Ahmed and the mother of six children. After a long time they hide, get married and begin to put in place a system of life at home to make things go smoothly.


Basile travels to America to take part in the World Wrestling Championship. He gets to know Sahar and her brother, Maged. A crime boss places a bet on the defeat of Basile, but Basile's victories make him kidnap Maged and threaten to kill him to force Basile to give up.

When two brothers fall for the same girl, things get more complicated when Adel desires to marry her when she is in love with Sherif. But when it's revealed that Adel is terminally ill, he proposes to Nagwa.

Mother Fatima controls her children. Her eldest son Essam challenges her and urges his brothers to stand up to her. Essam falls for his neighbor, Suhair, who is already married to Usta Rajab. She shares the same feelings, and they agree to marry after she gets divorced.

In one of their best roles ever, distinguished actors Nour Al Sherif and Souad Hosni star in this film depicting the unstable social and political life in Egypt during the late 1960s and early 1970s. The film revolved around a group of university students whose lives are turned upside down because of their talks about the political instability in Egypt at the time.


Director Mahmoud Salem needs a new face to introduce to his audiences. One day he finds his star, Mona. Offering her the opportunity to be a star, she asks for a chance to ask her fiancé about it. Mahmoud and Mona start to work together and fall for each other. Mona's fiancé feels the vibe coming from them and he leaves her.

Dr. Ahmed falls in love with the young girl (Souad) who saved his child Essam from drowning, so that the relationship between them develops and Souad becomes pregnant with him, so he is forced to marry her, and he is forced to inform his wife (Hoda), who decides to leave and travel outside the country, before what happens that changes the course of events .

The news of the death of the Egyptian scientist Raouf is spread after his disappearance, but his daughter Shahira cooperates with the journalist Sami Wahdan in search of her father, to find him hidden in Beirut for fear of secret papers that include the entirety of his research that a gang wants to steal from him.

Three prisoners, Sultan, his brother Hamada and a highly dangerous convict, escape from jail and hide in Dr. Zaki's villa in Maadi. The villa's residents live in fear, while the police searches for the fugitives.

Adel is a director of a company and is married to Nabila, the daughter of Medhat, the owner of the company. Adel falls in love with the company employee's princess, reveals her feelings and that he was unfortunate in his life with his wife and that his marriage was an interest in relation to his position. A princess shared the same feelings and married her in secret, but Medhat finds out about them.

based on Oscar Wilde's Lady Windermere's Fan.

Actress Sanaa Kamel is found murdered on her bed, and an investigation starts, taking into account everyone of the guests she hosted at her apartment the night she was killed: her jealous fiancé, a school instructor, a corrupt market manager, one of Sanaa's friends who works as a contractor, and a stud who was Sanaa's secret lover. As the investigation progresses, all the conclusions about the characters are always under question.


Sabrine's mother is sick, and her aunt visits them to check on the health of her sister. At the Police College, after being attracted to Sabrine and promised to marry, but the aunt is determined to marry her son Idiot Mohammed to ensure service to the whole family.

"Mona" girl club girls admire young "Ahmed" who does not exchange love for love, but does not care about them at all, travel abroad on a business trip. One day Mahmoud hints at "Mona" and admires her and marries her. The father agrees and they get married. They live a happy life. Ahmed returns from abroad. The case is confirmed when Mahmoud sees him and Ahmed in the club, so he decides to divorce her, but he goes to the front. But she resists, and renewed her hope to recover "Mahmoud" after the return of a colleague from abroad has recovered from injury Similar to Mahmoud's injury.

After Samia marries Mahmoud, she finds out that he's cheating on her. She gets divorced and starts a job at a company. Samia begins a new relationship with her manager, Adel. Adel finds out about her past as Mahmoud starts to blackmail her

The movie tells the story of a married doctor who has to meet his patient's wishes to keep her in a good health. The doctor's wife represents herself to the patient as the doctor's sister. The doctor's wife gets jealous because he is giving much attention to the patient and acts as if she loves someone else which drives her husband mad.


Dr. Tawfiq remains captive to the traditions of honor and innocence, despite his liberation and printing some of the traditions of European civilization when he was studying there. And is incapable of reconciling his liberal mind with the environment in which he is raised and which makes him lagging behind the twentieth century.


The relationship between a father and his four children is strained when he keeps spending his money on his pleasures. His son, Tawfik, revolts against his father after he learns of his relationship with the prostitute Lula, until he falls for her.

A young rich lady gets into a fight with his father who refuses her marriage with her beloved. She decides to escape to Lebanon in order to see her love, but to get on the ship; she will have to dress up like a young man. During her journey she meets a new friend, a young man, who gets surprised to discover her secret.


Ferdous is a village girl who aspires to be a doctor. When she runs away from her stepfather's house, she falls for a Fine artist whom she marries despite the difficulties in their lives. When her husband dies, Ferdous finds herself adrift as she struggles to find her own way.

Madiha is an air hostess ,who failed twice in marriage and prefers to live alone with the same freedom as men. She meets Soliman and he misbehaves with her, but she teaches him an unforgettablele lesson. Fate sends her Hassan who wants to marry her but family ,society and tradition stand in the way.


A young man asks his wife to dance with his boss at a party. The woman gets into an affair with the boss and commits infidelity. Her marriage dissolves and her life worsens. Her son has an illness, so the wife is forced to accept gifts from the boss.


This comedy revolves around a man travels from Upper Egypt to Cairo looking for a wife, finally he find her, and tried in different ways to make her pay attention to him.


Directed by Saad Arafa.


(Kamal) who loves the girl (Sanaa) and seeks to marry her, but her father refuses to complete that marriage because of the father's encouragement to the rival team of Kamal's team, and he tries to marry her to a companion who smuggled in secret, in order for Kamal to try to reveal his truth to marry Sana

Hosni heads a dangerous gang, forcing him to leave his daughter Madiha with her uncle in order to see her, Tawfiq. Hosni's behavior changes and he behaves abhorred, but when he returns to see his daughter another change occurs, she gives him moments of tenderness and warmth that he misses, so he decides to migrate that gang and repent, and he proposes a sermon in praise, but the gang will not leave him alone.

Safwat, Mohammed, Zaghloul and Adel, who are surrounded by terrible social conditions, where the collapse of the family and the lack of emotional communication, they are trying to steal the apartment of an old lady who lives alone and turned down the stairs. During the robbery, the old man appears suddenly and ridicules them and insults them from their point of view. Zaghloul, a young man who tends to be fun despite his father's cruel treatment, is arrested. Adel, who wants money to arrest his girlfriend Zizi, is arrested from the cabaret shop, as well as from the cabaret. Mohammed decides the son of the lawyer Famous for Shawkat to surrender himself after he died during childbirth sweetheart Sameera, while Safwat commits suicide after his brother Shukri found his beloved Nana had speeches. The rest are arrested.

Dr. Mohsen falls in love with his nurse Mona, and tries to marry her, but his father, Dr. Shaker is against it because of the social difference. Mona agrees with Mohsen that she will convince his father that she's worthy to marry his son and goes to his home as a private nurse.

Aida is a beautiful woman. She falls madly in love with a man who loves her the same way but she faces opposition from her father.

After getting dumped by Adel, Zizi marries Hussein just to keep her pride. They agree to get divorced after a while, until she finds out that Hussein is helping her father in his financial crisis without mentioning anything.

Afaf struggles to find an apartment when she then meets her mate in work Fattouh.


Set against the backdrop of the 1967 Six-Day War, the movie adaptation of Naguib Mahfouz's novel follows the escapist, drug-fuelled riverboat meetings of a group of frustrated Egyptians from various walks of life.


(Wajih) loves the young journalist (Nahid) the nurse, and a bitter struggle arises between (Wajih) and (Sami) because of the press campaign he is waging against him, so he tries to buy him with money and does not succeed, and he tries to kidnap him without changing anything, until he decides to kidnap (Nahid) Habiba (Wajih).

Afaf is a psychopath, who escapes from her Samnoudi husband on her wedding night, then later meets with two other people and agrees with each of them separately to marry, but she escapes when the moments of the Qur’an come, and the same behavior is repeated with the fourth from which she also escapes, and husbands begin to present Communications on charges of polygamy.

Zuhra has nothing to do but to runaway after her family forced her to marry an old rich man. She goes to Alexandria where she works in a motel and there she meets people with different ideologies and thoughts about life.


A young man is shunned by his friends after he starts an affair with a dancer.


Hoda is a student in a boarding school, she feels sad because her father neglected her at the behest of his wife, and when she spends the leave with her father and wife, the wife and Sanaa treat her very poorly, until he sees her fiance, Dr. Farid and falls in love with her because he feels that Sana is his fiancée, a careless girl who does not bear Responsibility and not suitable for marriage.


A portrayal of the Egyptian society and the Soviet workers partaking in the construction of the Aswan High Dam, reflecting the vision of a reinvigorated nation and inadvertently admitting to a new understanding of its goals and political objectives.

As a result of Saleh's preoccupation with his work, his wife Aida suffers from loneliness. She turns to watching films and starts impersonating the characters of the heroines she sees in the films, which gets her husband into many troubles and with the help of his friends he tries to make her stop.

The story of friendship on the eve of the free officers' revolution: Youssef, an unprincipled journalist, whose star rises thanks to his connections, and Shawki, an idealist man committed to social justice


Three women each have their own ambitions and aspirations. The first dreams of fame and fortune and meets a rich, married man she attempts to court. The second is a secretary with designs on her boss, even though he too is married. Having learned from her friends' experiences, the third takes an altogether different path.


Mukhtar is a musically talented individual who is surrounded by bad friends who make him squander his talent. When he falls and marries Annan, she tries to set him on the right path which sets off problems between them. When they get divorced, a repentant Mukhtar tries to get Annan back.


based on a novel by naguib mahfouz


After the death of his wife, the head of a family lives in emptiness and boredom after his children became busy with their lives. He meets a lady whose circumstances are similar to his and the two decide to get married without telling their children, which creates a lot of problems.

An archaeologist is in danger because of his discoveries.


A rich young man named Ahmed falls in love with a poor girl called Farida, but he does not know that she is poor. To make a plan to present it to his family by hiring a group of compars to reunite the personalities of the wealthy unique family.


The Bedouin Kenoz meets Haroun, a member of a different tribe who is digging a well for his tribesmen. Haroun's efforts are thwarted by the men of Sheikh Fawaz, who aspires to seize the land.

Salwa lives happily with her fiancé, but on the wedding night she suffers a psychological trauma, as the husband dies in a car accident, and Salwa escapes death, days pass and the girl does not forget the accident until she is surprised that her husband has not died, when she meets Farid, who is similar to her husband, and deals with him However, as her husband, Farid tries to convince her of the truth, but she is not at all convinced.

Directed by Atef Salem.


Abu Firas al-Hamdani is a famous Arab poet from the princes of the Hamdani state, as he is known for his equestrian and courage, he lives between the court of Prince Seif al-Dawla, and people love him everywhere. Who competes with Firas for the love of Naglaa.

After the ambassador travels abroad, the servant takes advantage of this opportunity and impersonates him.


Abdel Aal decides to stand up to Tharwat and his monopoly of the fish trade, which affects the livelihood of the fishermen, especially since he knows about his past, which makes Tharwat angry because Abdel Aal is the only witness to his old crimes.

Monem returns to his country and meets his beloved Nabila again, but he is afraid that he will be hit by the curse of madness that afflicted his family members, as his parents have already died of madness, he visits his aunts and knows that they kill a number of the elderly shelter's members, and bury them in the basement of the shelter, and Monem seeks to get away from Nabila so as not to harm her.

When her mother dies, the responsibility of keeping the family together falls on Sawsan, who tries to reunite her family after her father neglects his children in favor of chasing after the widowed Fatma, and her brother sets his eyes on a married woman.

Hoda and her sister live in Mount Lebanon, where they have a rest on the road, and through the tourist delegations that come to the place, they get to know the tour guide Adel, she loves Hoda the guide without feeling her emotions, but he loves her sister who shares the same feeling, Adel agrees with his sweetheart to marry when Hoda knows how to decide to work in a nightclub.


After suffering Egyptians from the oppression of the Mamluks and despotism clump the people and organize popular resistance to eliminate them and get rid of the ruling Circassians and the commander of his bodyguards Aybak, joins Alhabiban Ahmad and Qamar resistance despite suffering colors they receive, designed Ahmed to avenge the death of his mother on their hands, achieved guerrilla dream he is condemned the country's young people from Egyptians are free.


Abdul Sami is married to Aziza, they get to know a beautiful young woman and they agree to get married, and on the day of their marriage his wife is surprised that she is pregnant, and he accuses her of lying, and divorces her. Each of the two wives gives birth to a child and the old wife raises her son, and Abdel Sami lives with his wife. Without knowing each other's truth

Anayat Hanim succeeded in having a clothing factory after the death of her husband, allowing her to live with her three daughters Samira, a bachelor of commerce, Kawther who cares only about physics, Laila who is not yet 14 years old and very lazy and dreams of the day he will marry so as not to go To school. Haj Awadallah owns a factory that he manages himself and supplies Hanayat Hanim with the finest fabrics, and thus a close relationship developed between them. Since he is single, he suggested to Annayat Hanim that they marry but they delayed the response and justified that she must marry the two girls first. Haj Awad asks his brother Fathallah and his friend Mamdouh to advance the brothers' sermon and send a telegram to Annayat Hanim telling her that the groom will arrive tomorrow.

The film is based on the life of the female Muslim saint Rabia Basri.


This magnificently madcap comedy classic stars Egyptian film legends Tahiya Karioka and Emad Hamdi as Zeinab and Hussein, overworked parents who get little relief from the never ending demands of their seven mischievous children. When their eldest daughter, Ahlam, meets a dashing young man at a party, it's love at first sight and wedding plans must quickly be arranged. As preparations get underway, Zeinab and Hussein are soon overwhelmed by the elaborate and costly requests made by the groom's extravagant family. While tending to the needs of their other six children, Hussein and Zeinab must consider unconventional means to obtain the funds for a ceremony that the newlyweds will be proud of.


An aristocratic family is torn down after the death of its patriarch. He leaves alone his widow wife and five of his daughters and sons. His eldest son, Ahmed (Shukry Sarhan), takes the role of the man in the house and helps his mother take care of his brother and sisters. Mamdouh (Ahmed Ramzy), his brother, is a self-centered man who refuses to follow his brother’s step and decides to make his own decisions in his life.


Hussein and Ahmad are brothers. Hussein falls in love with a colleague, but his father mysteriously decides that Ahmad should marry her instead.


Set in the 14th century. Under their leader Timur, the Tartar hordes invade the Middle East and take over areas as widespread as Persia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Syria. A lowly woman from a harem (Lubna Aziz) rises to lead the Egyptians against the invaders.


The life of a visually-impaired girl gets increasingly burdensome as she struggles on a daily basis to survive in a society that renders blindness synonymous to darkness and inability, and she has to embark on a journey to prove them wrong.

Upon Aida's return from Alexandria, she meets Zozo who tells her that she is fleeing Lotfy who wants money from her. As Zozo gets her husband Farid to steal a sum of money from his company, she puts the money in Aida's bag. Farid kills Zozo and starts looking for Aida to get the money back.

Mona falls in love with her college professor Mahmoud despite the fact that he's a married man and many years her senior. Mona is forced to marry another man and leaves Egypt. Years later, Mona returns and finds out that Mahmoud has been hit by a car and is now in a hospital. They meet again and recall their past romance.


Nadia and Dr. Ra'fat fall in love, but Nadia's sister, Nawal, tries to approach Ra'fat to secure the fulfillment of her aspirations. Nawal, being the unfaithful wife that she is, also gets involved with Rusdhy, and when things aggravate, she asks for her sister Nadia's help.

Hoda lives with her uncle Dr. Ibrahim, who takes care of her as his daughter after the death of her parents. Hoda leads a life of fun with her friends, including Adel who wants to marry her. One day Hoda suffers from a severe headache. And it appears from the tests that she has a brain tumor that must be removed, she starts to think that the love she receives is from pity for her.


Mona meets Magdy and Fouad in Alexandria and falls in love with Fouad who loves her back, but Magdy asks her to marry him and her mother agrees because of his wealth. After Mona marries Magdy, she finds out that he's impotent, which causes a series of problems.

After his wife's death ,Ahmed gets to leave his kids alone because of his work. His children seek help from a singer called Wedad who takes care of them. Ahmed gets attracted to Wedad, and uses his children to get her to stay longer, but they don't know that she has a past that still haunts her.

As a young actress falls in love with a famous writer, she finds herself facing a dilemma when he proposes to her and she is torn between her feelings for him and her guilt over the fact that he is married with a daughter.

The family of Abu Taqiyya holds the hostility to the pasha who obtained their land from a public auction. This pasha has a daughter who falls in love with an agricultural engineer, and one of her relatives is trying to marry her in the greed of her father's money.


Spoiled rich girl Nadia gets jealous after finding out her father's plan to remarry. She tries to break them apart, spreading lies about her new mother-in-law and getting involved with a man twice her age.


Directed by Henry Barakat.


Amira is helping her family during its financial stringency but it starts getting troublesome for her so she goes to her father who has married another woman asking for help and money, they have a fight and after she comes back he's dead and now she's accused of the murder.


Directed by Ahmed Badrakhan.


A man suffering from delirium because of the secrets he hides.


Nadia suffers from the behavior of her sister Nawal, to seek Dr. Adel and ask him for advice, to generate love between them, one day a young man who tried to commit suicide arrives because he is paralyzed, Nadia succeeds in getting him out of despair and succeeds in his treatment, to begin A love story between him and her sister Nawal, and events escalate.


As a girl falls in love with an agricultural engineer, they sleep together and she gets pregnant. The Engineer must go to Europe for work but leaves behind a document admitting his paternity of the baby. As the girl gives birth, her father flees the country with her to avoid a scandal.

A poor maid loves her wealthy young master and she becomes pregnant. The head of the family seeks to make her marry a lawless man to give the newborn girl his name. Time passes and the girl becomes a dancer in nightclubs, and falls in love with a wealthy young man who knows who is her real father .


Nadia is suffering chronic depression and thinks of committing suicide. Mohamed tries to help her when he finds that she is disillusioned of causing her parent's death. He tries to help her with the assistance of his friend Hussein. As conflicts arise between Nadia and her sister.

A man suffers from a heart attack so he sends his daughter to get medicine for him. After providing the medicine for the girl, the pharmacist discovers that he has unknowingly mixed a poisonous elixir. Reporting what happened to the police, the chief officer of Cairo starts an intriguing, full-fledged campaign to save the man before he takes the lethal medicine.


Aziza is a show dancer who's supporting her young sister. She lives in trouble because of the thug who seizes her money and chases her if she tries to escape. Aziza falls in love with sergeant Hassan who works in the region and decides to retire and marry him but the thug won't let her go.

Samira and Huda are sincere best friends. Samira falls in love with Farid, who deceives her and impregnates her, he extorts and threatens to blackmail her after finding out that she is going to marry a rich young man, who is her friend, Huda, brother.

Directed by Ezzel Dine Zulficar.


A husband loses his arms and becomes unemployed, his wife becomes responsible for the house and neglects her husband. He starts learning to paint and meets a girl who encourages him to submit his paintings in an exhibition.

Ehsan lives with her father, the caretaker of the house of a rich man who comes sporadically to the house to hunt ducks. As Ehsan falls for the rich man, he rapes her while drunk. Ehsan discovers that she is pregnant and escapes to Cairo where she gives birth to her daughter


directed by atef salem


Adel and Samia are in love, but her father is in financial trouble , when Adel decides to intervene to repay the man's debts he gets in an accident and wakes up to find his sweetheart has married someone else.


Wahid and Mansour are friends, working in a drug trafficking gang, but Mansour is charged with murder and is sentenced to imprisonment. Before going to jail, he asks Wahid to watch over his wife, and he leaves his money with him. But Wahid betrays his trust, he spends his money and cheats with his wife.


Sherif visits a psychiatrist for his illness who exploits him to commit a murder by hypnotism.


A wealthy girl pulls a prank on one of her classmates by telephone, getting her to like and flirt with the son of a famous lawyer, leading the her classmate to fall in love with him. The girl tries to catch them together.


The life of the Arabian peninsula before Islam appeared.


A corrupt grocer in a traditional Cairene neighborhood enters into an alliance with comprador merchants. Their goal is to hoard scarce commodities during the World WAR II, and then to sell them at vastly inflated prices. Eventually the grocer's neighbors rebel at his tactics. They call in the national athorities and the black marketeers are brought to justice.


Raafat works on one of the ships and meets with his ex-girlfriend Madiha, who refuses to marry him because she wants to marry a wealthy person. Both Raafat and Madiha plot to make millionaire Azzouz falls in love with Madiha so that she can have his money and realize her dream at the same time.