Emad Moharam

Mahrous moves from the countryside to Cairo to prepare for boxing matches. Mahrous slips before the seductions of the dancer Shushu, who tricks him into trapping him in order to prevent him from winning the decisive matches, at the instigation of his rivals. Mahrous meets Mona, an upright girl who admires his personality, is convinced of his sincerity, and pushes him to win, as well as encourages him to train.

Medhat, Yousry and Asfour are three friends who neglect their studies and live in a waste, despite their parents trying to reform them in vain. Royalties on the people of the neighborhood.

Wekalt Elbalah - وكالة البلح


Directed by Houssam El-Din Mustafa.


Adel has a firm belief that his stepfather killed his father to marry his mother. He makes a strange deal with the unemployed Aziz, who wants to get rid of his wife to cash her life insurance policy. Adel pledges to kill Aziz's wife in return for Aziz killing his stepfather.