Émile Keppens

A continuation of the film series "Judex" the masked fighter for justice.


A journalist attempt to stop a mysterious criminal : "Barbe rousse".


Hopson, a prestigious scientist, studies the effect of snake venom to cure many diseases of mankind. His son enlists in the army when the Great War breaks out. A series of circumstances will lead the scientist to change his way of thinking about values ​​and principles that until then he had as immovable.


Guards are posted to protect various important figures who are threatened with a phone call, that by 10 p.m. the following night they will be dead.Somehow they still meet their deaths, despite the protection.

A mysterious evildoer terrifies the French Riviera. That mysterious character, which is hidden under the personality of James Pearce, a diamond-maker, calls himself The Black X. This time, the Black X has noticed the rich jewels of a celebrated singer and, in the company of her henchmen, is preparing to carry out the great robbery.

The first adventures of Chéri Bibi

Paulin Broquet, the great Parisian detective, has brought the notorious bandit, Zigomar, to justice. Determined not to let the law punish him, he had taken poison in the Hall of Justice. Then he was brought to a hospital where he lay motionless and was visited by hundreds of persons. Among the visitors was a slender woman, dressed in black, who secreted herself in the hospital, and, when all the others had gone, went to the bedside of Zigomar and administered an antidote for poisoning.


The young daughter of an army captain missing in action runs away from school and is kidnapped by Parisian lowlifes. When the kidnapper flees to Nice with the child, the kind-hearted employee of one of his accomplices sets off in pursuit.


Directed by Léonce Perret.

A 1912 crime film.

Maddened by jealousy, Jacques (Emile Keppens) tries to kill his fellow worker (Eugène Bréon).

Count Fernand De Keramic plots against his niece in order to acquire her wealth to pay his debts.


Directed by Victorin-Hippolyte Jasset.
