Emilie Piponnier

Alice, a perfect wife and mother who lives happily with her husband and child until the day she discovers her husband is living a double life that has ruined her financially and left her a single mother. Alice fights back and dives into a world beyond anything she has ever known.


A union pensioner and his wife are robbed, but find that merely getting the assailants brought to justice is not enough for their consciences.


What’s a gay boy to do when he’s fallen in love with Cédric, his officially straight best friend? For that in a nutshell is the touching scenario on offer here, only one that gets complicated when the object of Jérôme’s affection seemingly cannot decide which team to bat for, kissing him gay style during their time spent revising maths together, only to rebuke him in school when lessons switch to basketball. Contemplating coming out to his parents and unsure of whether sexually confused Cédric feels the same way about him, life sure isn‘t as easy as doing basketball or mathematics for our boy. Or should that be, being straight or gay

