Emiliya Spivak

The main character, Lubov, is always in the spotlight — even at a holiday dedicated to medical workers. The md Terentyev, a very shy man, decides to hit on her. Among its competitors and surgeon Kochetkov. All Lyuba seems lucky, but no one knows the reverse side of this "happiness»…

Когда-то в юности Игорь и Миша были закадычными друзьями, вместе учились, вместе развлекались, и любовь у них тоже была одна на двоих... С Инной ребята подружились в институте. Красивая веселая девушка всюду была в сопровождении своих преданных кавалеров. Незаметно отношения неразлучной троицы превратились в любовный треугольник, оба парня были влюблены в Инну, а она – не знала, между кем выбрать. Ревность угрожала настоящей мужской дружбе, и ребята дали друг другу обещание: пожертвовать своей любовью во имя дружбы и никогда больше не видится с Инной. Высокопарным юношеским порывам не удалось сбыться. Окончив институт, Инна и в правду так и не "достучалась" в закрытые двери, Миша странным образом пропал, а Игорь, получив хорошую работу, отправился в другую страну, так и не встретившись с другом. Только спустя годы жизнь расставила все по своим местам.

In a year of 1924 a commissar from Soviet Russia is trying to find and kill Finnish general.


Three friends are traveling to Amsterdam where they suddenly meet Katya - a young girl who soon become very important for the two of them.


Marina (Alyona Babenko) is a journalist contemplating retiring, bored of writing stories of serial killers and murders that are front page news one day, and then are quickly forgotten the next. At a large house a lawyer is holed up, police are in the front garden, snipers on the roof and the lawyer asks for Marina. She’s a little surprised by this as she and the lawyer have only crossed paths a few times during her career, but agrees to go to the lawyers house. Arriving at the house she’s confronted by the large police presence, she’s given a quick debrief of the situation and requested not to go into the house. She declines and enters the house. Just inside the front door is the lawyers wife, she tell Marina that he’s lost it and locked the children in their rooms and that he’s going to kill them all.


Third film based on Boris Akunin's "Priklucheniya Erasta Petrovicha Fandorina" series of novels. On a train from St. Petersburg to Moscow general Khrapov was killed and no one else but Erast Petrovich is under suspicion because the killer pretended to be Fandorin. There are initials BG on the handle of the knife Khrapov was stabbed with, the initials belong to a terrorist organization which keeps both capital cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in fear. This time Fandorin is not the only one trying to solve the crime, general Pozharski, a famous detective takes over the investigation...
