Emily Davenport

A young, struggling country singer becomes the driver for an old, crazed, honky-tonk legend that could possibly help him break into stardom.


Kelly is an easily scared blackjack dealer who gets a huge surprise from his roommate Trevor. Trevor is a drug dealer and can’t finish his rounds for the day. His boss a mysterious figure known only as X offers Kelly a plan – Deal or Die. This takes him to four separate drug deals over the course of a day and night in Las Vegas. Will Kelly survive?


A young man discovers love for the first time with a girl he's been friends with since grade school but struggles to avoid first-time heartbreak in small-town Virginia.


When a colossal tectonic shift causes the sea level to start rising, a microbiologist gathers the DNA of as many species as she can, while the military creates an "ark" in a desperate attempt to preserve life on Earth.


A teenage boy explores his sexuality to the brink of exhaustion. A film that plays with expectations. With its sunkissed opening shots and bouncy score, the film starts off like one big ole’ romantic comedy cliché. The tropes are decidedly familiar—young love, attractive couple, an idyllic picnic on the grass. This is the stuff that Hollywood has told us is true—the saccharine syrup that has made up the montages of many a Katherine Heigl movie. Then, reality sets in. Our protagonist isn’t some stock dream boy. Rather, he’s a guy coming to terms with himself and his sexuality. And, in that exploration, he leaves a lot of confused and hurt partners (of both genders) in his wake.
