Emmanuil Geller

Based upon the famous novel by H.G.Wells. A poor scientist named Griffin discovers a way to make things invisible. Since he has no money to continue his research, he decides to perform his only experiment on himself. After becoming invisible, Griffin has a lot of trouble trying to conceal this from other people.


Based on the "Die Zirkusprinzessin" operetta by Kálmán Imre.


Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.


A romantic love story set in a good old XIX century in the best traditions of Russian vaudevilles.


A graduate of the village school Pyotr Gorokhov from the village of Dyadkovo comes to Moscow to enter a prestigious economic university; he succeeds, albeit literally by a miracle. However, Petya was always helped out by chance and mysticism. Compared to other students (mostly Muscovites and residents of other big cities), this guy from the province stands out sharply — both in manners, in reprimand, and in behavior. Accustomed to defend their principles to the end of Gorokhov was called Balamut (Troublemaker). Nevertheless, in the student community, he quickly mastered and became a leader. Everything would be fine, but he has two problems — unrequited love for the dark-skinned beauty from Cuba and English...


A satirical comedy of three novellas ("What an a impudence!", "By the laws of hospitality", "One hundred grams for bravery"), united by the common theme of drunkenness and alcoholism: the first one about an exemplary citizen who met an avid drunkard on the way to work, the second one about an incident at a party that occurred through the fault of alcohol, and the third one about a shy man before the first date decides to drink "hundred grams" for courage.


A story of two boys who obstinately, in spite of everything and everyone run to the front when the war was almost over.


Ivan Sergeevich Kashkin — the bath attendant of the most prestigious metropolitan bath. It’s not easy to get to him: reputable diplomats, well-known footballers, and the heads of the ministry are seeking the honor to steam. But Kashkin himself does not need to achieve anything, everything is at his service — from black caviar to tickets to the conservatory. And the hero’s cloudless life would have flowed, but then his twin brother Sergei fell ill and asked Ivan to replace him in his equally strange work.


A story of three struggling artists: a painter, a poet, and a composer, living in a bohemian Montmartre district of Paris. They help a poor flower girl, Violette, to find shelter, when she is thrown out by her landlord.


Alexei Ivanovich Tyutyurin, a very kind and gentle man by nature, has been working as a hairdresser for twenty years. When the opportunity arises to upgrade to the head of the hall, he is faced with a problem — in the team he has a reputation as a constantly late person and an incorrigible liar. But Alexei doesn't deceive anyone — he really gets into unusual situations on the way to work. No one believes in these fables until amazing visitors begin to come to the hairdresser.


April 1941. According to intelligence received by the Chekists, a fascist sabotage group plans to blow up one of Moscow's defense plants. To find out the plans of saboteurs working under the auspices of the German embassy, ​​the NKVD sends one of its best employees, Sergei Biryukov, to the plant. He finds contact with the fascist agent Keller and finds out that the explosion is scheduled for June 21...


A young a lazy man becomes a guardian of an old lady.


The continuation of the adventures of Serafim Ivanovich Ogurtsov after the events of the Carnival Night...


The action takes place in 1920 during the Civil War. Crimea on the eve of complete liberation from the White Guards. Returning from patrol, the four brave “elusive” knocked down an airplane. In the field bag of the captured pilot, they find a secret report, which speaks of the existence of defensive fortifications around the coastal city, which the Reds have yet to take. Young heroes get the task to get a map of fortifications and go to the city...


In this comic but dated story, nerdy Shurik travels to Caucas in search of native legends and folklore. But what he finds is a beautiful girl whom, due to intoxication and deceit of the local "gang", he ends up literally stealing for the local deceitful governor. All the time Shurik thinks that it is all just a one old Caucasian custom. When he, finally, realizes what he did he goes out in search for the girl of his dreams. Written by Ptah Hoteb


A young boy finds a magic lantern that contains a genie, and when he frees the genie he's granted three wishes. He uses the wishes to help the princess of Baghdad and her father fight off an evil sorcerer who's trying to take over the kingdom.


Spring, 1944. The Great Patriotic war. The German fascists are still in Sevastopol. A fierce combat is taking place there. At the same time in Yalta, which has already been freed, life goes on peacefully. People believe that the war has left them, that it is far away and no longer dangerous… But the torpedo motor-boat squadron stationed in Yalta is still having a hard time. Every day Soviet marines undertake dangerous sorties towards the German-occupied Sevastopol.


The film consists of three independent parts: "Workmate", "Déjà vu" and "Operation Y". The plot follows the adventures of Shurik (alternative spelling — Shourick), the naive and nerdy Soviet student who often gets into ludicrous situations but always finds a way out very neatly. "Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures" was a hit movie and became the leader of Soviet film distribution in 1965.


After a shy bank employee helps to catch two robbers he becomes a totally different person.

A story of a young man who is returning to his home town after being evacuated as a boy during WWII.

Sergei Krylov and Oleg Tulin, are promising young physicists in the field of thunderstorms. They dream of weather control. But later their ways in science parted - Oleg is ready to tradeoff his standpoints for personal success, but Sergei knows that the truth is more critical.


The Soviet boys, Vadik and Yura, together with the mischievous little girl Tosha, are children with a kind heart and good life philosophy. One day they find money on the street, which must be returned to the owner without fail. But where to find an inattentive citizen who has lost not only money, but also a booklet with quite important information. So, begins the time of exciting adventures, breathtaking moments, high-quality humor and instructive-entertaining ideological line.


Feature film.


A factory crew of seven young people is taking responsibility of a young criminal.


A little girl Assol met a wizard and it has been foretold: "... it will be a fine sunny day when a beautiful ship under scarlet sail comes and the noble prince will take you away from here. He'll take you to the world of your dreams, where you will be loved and happy." The neighbours told jokes about her, children teased her, but she waited for her prince. She trusted in the miracles and waited. Arthur Gray's rule was "if you can make a miracle, do it!". And he made a miracle for the wonderful romantic girl.


The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.


The heroic Koroghlu is a poor youngster who leads a peasants' revolt against the tyrannic Khan.


A young boy from Prague is trying to find a Soviet soldier from the old 1945 picture.

A story about Sofijka, a young girl who is just starting her singer career.


Two old friends remain socially active even after their retirement...


Soviet propaganda film about communists plotting a violent attack on a Russian city. A local poet helps the communists and they glorify his poem about Lenin.


The inveterate fisherman Karp Trofimovich has his birthday during competition of fishermen so his nephew clings a huge pike to the uncle's hook .


About the first years of the formation of Soviet power, about the life and work of Feliks Dzerzhinsky in 1918-1925. The film covers the most important episodes of his biography. In July 1918, as a result of a revolt of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries, the German ambassador Mirbach was killed. Feliks Dzerzhinsky alone goes to the headquarters of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and Anarchists, he manages to persuade ordinary soldiers and sailors, participants in the rebellion, who are now cracking down on their leaders. In 1921, Dzerzhinsky was aimed at combating homelessness, as a result of which, by 1925, former homeless children, having completed their studies, were sent to the construction of Yugostal, the largest industrial plant in Ukraine.


An attractive woman who runs a country hotel tricks three men who challenge her favour.


Italy, XIX century. The country is occupied by Austrian troops, the resistance movement is actively developing. Student Arthur Burton is involved in the activities of the underground organization “Young Italy”, envies its leader, Giovanni Bolla, and is jealous of his bride Gemma. He talks about this at a confession to a priest, as a result of which gendarmes take revolutionaries under arrest...


The historical and biographic movie about the glorified Russian naval commander Ushakov. France begins aggressive wars. The Russian and allied troops freeing Italy are headed by A. V. Suvorov. The victory in the fortress of Corfu is ensured by operation of the admiral Ushakov.


Historical epic about the legendary Russian naval commander of the 18th century, admiral Fyodor Ushakov, and his fight for Crimea during the Russo-Turkish War.


Saved by Russian sailors black boy turned out to be the smart and kind nipper.


The film was made on the basis of the literary version of events in the life of the famous Russian ethnographer, anthropologist, biologist and traveler who studied the indigenous population of South-East Asia, Australia and Oceania.


The plot is built around two charming sisters — a strict, wayward Galina, an assistant professor of mathematics, and a windy, frivolous student Shurochka. Despite the fact that the girls are so different, they are looking, of course, for one thing — love. The events take place in the summer pre-war Moscow and in the country where both sisters go: one in order to prepare for the re-examination, the other — to conduct math classes with the military from the Yuryev Camps located near the dacha village. Funny and difficult situations, intrigues, tears, joy — all this will be experienced by young girls on the way to their happiness.


A beautiful maiden, Marya Morevna, gives her prospective husband, the mighty warrior Nikita Kozhemyaka, three riddles to solve before she'll marry him. Before he can tell her the answers, the Russian land is invaded by the armies of Kashchei the Immortal, in whose footsteps death and destruction follow. Marya is abducted by Kashchei, and Nikita finds his home in ashes. Nikita meets a kindly wizard who gives him a cap of darkness. With it, the hero will find a way to save his bride and rout Kashchei.


Smart Man Nassredin easily penetrates into Bukhara Emir inner circle posing as Wise Man from Damascus. He becomes Emir trusted advisor, and even convinces the tyrant to relax the rule and release a lot of political prisoners (because stars favor this arrangement).


A story about the friendship between two young men, two soldiers - Arkady from Odessa and Sasha from Ural.


About the life and heroic death of the old Bolshevik-Lugansk resident, participant in the civil war, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Parkhomenko. In 1918, capturing Ukraine, the German occupiers sought to use the Haidamaks, the White Guards and the Greens in their struggle. By order of Voroshilov, Aleksandr Parkhomenko from Lugansk arrives in Tsaritsyn. At the same time, the Germans launched an active offensive. The "red" battalions are poorly armed, however, Parkhomenko manages to raise them to the attack and put the enemy to flight.


Together with other graduates of the Maritime Institute, Irina Zakharova returns to her native Odessa. At the distribution commission, she seeks the appointment of the first assistant to the captain on the infamous Pobeda vessel, with the most loosened crew. Carrying a personal example of sailors, Irina successfully fights for a turning point in the mood of sailors, and when the ship gets into a storm, she shows the outstanding qualities of a real sailor. Against the background of these events, the theme of lyrical relationships between Irina and the navigator of the red-flagged ship "Abkhazia" Vasily in love with her is unfolding.


The young boxer Kirill Kochevanov in the training battle of the qualifying rounds with the champion Peter Dorokhov loses the decisive meeting and, it would seem, now he should not get into the team for a trip to Europe. However, according to the decision of the commission, which saw great makings in the athlete, Kochevanov, together with the best Lightning boxers, goes abroad. After several meetings won, our athletes receive the challenge of European champion Henri Lance. Having well studied the tactics and strategy of the battle of Dorokhov, Lance promises all journalists to knock out the opponent no later than the fourth round. However, the opponent of Lance is declared Kirill Kochevanov. In the fourth round, Cyril goes on the offensive, attacks Lance and wins the battle.


One night, the crew of the Derbent tanker receives a signal about oil ignition on the Agamali tanker. Despite the fire threatening to spill onto the ship, Derbent is in a hurry to help ...


During a WWII a duel starts between Soviet war ship and Nazi submarine.


A funny comedy about doctor Aybolit and his assistants and patients - all animals.


Widely claimed to be Joseph Stalin's favorite movie, this classic musical comedy is a must-see. The action takes place on a steamboat on the iconic Volga River, as two groups of performers travel to Moscow to perform in the Moscow Musical Olympiad.


Circus tells the story of an American named Marion who is banished from the US because a black man impregnates her. Marion escapes to Russia to start a new life in the circus and joins up with lustful, anti-Russian ringmaster who happens to be in love with her. The ringmaster knows her secret about the black baby and threatens to reveal it unless she marries him. The problem is that Marion has fallen in love with a Russian acrobat and later out of sheer jealousy, the ringmaster reveals the identity of the woman's child in front of the circus audience.


Merry Fellows was the first Soviet musical comedy. Set in Odessa and Moscow in the 1930's. Shepherd Kostya Potekhin (Utyosov) is mistaken for an international concert star. He falls in love with Anyuta (Orlova) and plays the "star" for her. In a cascade of comic musical numbers he becomes the leader of a Jazz-Band and gives a hilarious show at the Odessa Music Hall. Now he is destined to perform at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow.
