Emmett Alston

An artist and an environmentalist go through an up and down relationship over the years. They get married in an early fling, she gets pregnant as they celebrate their divorce together, they deal with his nude artwork and her tempermental situation as they learn about her strict upbringing and her fear of commitment based on her father's unflinching attitudes.


A treasure map found by three young boys allows them reason to get their kicks in more ways than one.


A man and his daughter are attacked in the woods by what they believe is a Bigfoot-type creature. However, they soon begin to suspect that they may have stumbled onto a nest of aliens in a hidden spacecraft.


Action movie directed by Emmett Alston.


Five "city boys" travel to the country to relax by doing some hunting, drinking Bud, and generally having good time. However, the local inbred backwoods psychos turn the hunters to be the hunted, and they need all the ammo and wits they have to get out of the woods alive.


A group of drug runners/freedom fighters has kidnapped a busload of tourists in the Philippines and is threatening to kill them all if one of their partners is not released from prison and the government doesn't halt its anti-drug policies. To stop the criminals, a trio of specialist soldiers are called in. Even with all their training, will they be able to stop the terrorists when they begin killing hostages and turning loose their squads of attack midgets?


During a New Year's Eve celebration, a punk-rock singer gets a phone call saying that when New Year's strikes in each time zone, someone will be murdered--and she will be the last one.


Two girls go on a weekend camping trip only to run across a sadistic forest ranger, a recently-married couple and a former Nixon aide who has turned into a perverted wildman in a cheap gorilla mask.


Bobby Lee (Jack Conrad) has just been released from jail and wants to make a better life for he and girlfriend Ruthie (Rita George).
