Engelbert Humperdinck

Johannes Felsenstein’s production of HANSEL AND GRETEL presents it with every sinister element removed. The children remain in a home setting with their own bed central to the scene and the barest hint of a forest behind, while their father plays the witch as an amiable, totally benevolent figure, not sinister at all, even joining them in the final joyful ensemble. When they sing that the witch is dead, you find that the production contradicts that completely. Taking that unsinister stance means that the opera loses much of its bite. No doubt Felsenstein felt that it would make the piece more accessible for very young children, though many of them relish the sinister element. That said, it is a strong and capable performance, very well conducted and with a cast of good if not outstanding singers. One wonders what Felsenstein meant to convey, just as it is not clear why the central characters should regularly be carrying dolls. A highly individual version of a much-loved opera.

There are very few artists who make their mark to the same degree as Engelbert Humperdinck. His incredible live performances, such as the one captured here at the Forum in Los Angeles, have made him a star across the globe, from Las Vegas to the London Palladium. Few can equal the passion and commitment delivered by Humperdinck. The comparisons are drawn only with the very best - Elvis, Tony Bennett, Tom Jones, but Humperdinck with his distinctive style, sense of humour and genuine affection for his audience shows he is more than worthy of such rarefied status.

In this memorable concert filmed at London's Royal Albert Hall in 1985, pop music legend Engelbert Humperdinck joins the London Philharmonic Orchestra to perform many of his hits. Songs include "Please Release Me," "After the Loving," "Lonely Is a Man Without Love" and "I Just Called To Say I Love You."

A collection of bloopers and outtakes from an enormous selection of Hollywood classic productions spanning from the 1930s through the 1980s.

In 1972, the Arizona State Park bought the London Bridge. Tom Jones (as himself) is magically transported to the bridge's new location where he, befuddled, sings with other celebrities, has adventures and gets kidnapped by “the villain”.


Comedy troupe The State hosts a Halloween special on CBS.

Engelbert Humperdinck and Morgan Fairchild are the unlikely star duo in Even Angels Fall. Humperdinck plays an author, specializing in Harlequin-type romances. His first of several mistakes is to move into an apartment where the previous tenant died mysteriously. Who will be next?
