Enrico Brignano

Fausto Brizzi's movie


The "Tucci" are a poor Italian family living in a small village in Lazio. Father, mother, a conceited daughter and a genius son, forced to pretend being stupid to keep up with the family. One day something unexpected happens: the family wins one hundred million Euros. Excited, they decide to keep the winning a secret, but as soon as a single word slips out from the mouth of the householder, they only have one choice to avoid being persecuted by friends and acquaintances: run away. They leave at night, heading to Milan. They will realize as soon as they arrive that today's rich people behaves very differently from the past, and being rich has become a real bother... this discovery will make things way different from what Tuccis' expected.


Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.


Jacopo (Enrico Brignano) has a serious problem. He may be a brilliant marriage guidance counsellor, but he can never manage to have a steady relationship for more than two weeks. And for good reason: since he was very young, Jacopo has been cursed and brought bad luck to every woman who has fallen in love with him. Really bad luck. Because of this, he has vowed to stay away from women, for their own good. But the moment he lays eyes on Sara (a radiant Ambra Angiolini, The Immature and The Immature: The Trip) at a friend’s birthday party, he is smitten. Despite his resistance, the two fall head over heels leading to back-to-back, laugh-out-loud moments of disaster! Sara will quickly learn the consequences of her choice as the limits of her love are put to the test in this smart, stylish and very loveable romantic comedy.


2013 Italian comedy


Marco encounters his ex-girlfriend Consueloand starts seeing her without telling that he has just married. Antonio is an MP and during his European trip he has a love affair with elegant Olga who has a big secret to hide. Recently-jilted Fabio is mistaken for psychiatrist by a beautiful girl Valentina with whom he falls in love. A divorce lawyer Sandra is romantically attracted to her client's husband Massimo.


Romano e De Pascalis sono colleghi occupati presso un'azienda assicurativa. Amici cordiali diventano rivali accaniti in seguito alla minaccia di licenziamento per esubero. Decisi a non perdere il posto, la casa, lo status sociale e le rispettive consorti, i due agenti partiranno alla volta di Sharm el Sheikh, dove si gode sole e denaro il loro nuovo boss. Imprenditore senza scrupoli, Saraceni è presidente dell'Empoli Calcio, marito di una moglie bellissima e padre distratto di un adolescente. Sulla spiaggia e sotto gli ombrelloni dei “vips”, Romano e De Pascalis tenteranno di avvicinarlo e di conservare il posto di lavoro. Intorno a loro intanto mogli e figli animeranno nel bene e nel male il loro soggiorno all inclusive.


Several groups of Italians experience amusing adventures and tests of character on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Some of the characters are there simply for rest and relaxation, while others act with different motivations. Multiple plot lines unfold simultaneously as different characters' stories are presented.


Laura and Mark hope to adopt a Ukrainian child. When they finally have the opportunity to travel the country, her father, Salvatore, help them all he can. By knowing the small Maruska, is created between them a very special relationship.


Depiction of the life of St. Anthony, beginning with his initial calling to the priesthood as a young Portugese nobleman, and following him as he becomes a Franciscan monk and preaches across Africa and Europe.


Le Iene is a television program broadcast on the Italian channel Italia 1 . Beginning in 1996, it is a comedy/satirical show, with sketches and reports into political affairs and consumer issues. It is based on an Argentine show Caiga Quien Caiga. The first series was hosted by Simona Ventura, Dario Cassini and Peppe Quintale. Since then, many comedians and actors have hosted, such as: Fabio Volo, Teo Mammucari, Andrea Pellizzari, Alessia Marcuzzi, Luca Bizzarri and Paolo Kessisoglu, Ilary Blasi, Luciana Littizzetto. It features several writers like Davide Parenti, Lorenzo Maiello, Roberto Marcanti, Andrea Bempensante, Fabrizio Montagner among them. Recurring features of the show, besides the reportage, are the double interviews in which two famous people are asked the same questions, and are edited together on a split screen, side by side so that they answer one after the other. The Spanish version had to close due to poor ratings, but the program later returned and in 2008 it moved to a new network, laSexta. "Le Iene" was also the release name in Italy for the film Reservoir Dogs, and all the presenters on the show wear trademark black suits, white shirts and black ties.


A film in 8 episodes. A government MP from An spends a wild night of passion with a parliamenatrian from the Refoundation party; Maria Carla lets herself be go during the screening of "Dances with Wolves"; Rosalia has just got married, but the same night in a night club, she is tempted by a soap opera star ; an accountant pretends to be ill just to get in good with a well meaning nurse; a family discovers that their daughter's fiancé is a transexual; a TV compere pretends to be friends with Kevin Kostner to win over a journalist who is mad for the actor; two friends exchange wild erotic tales with each other; a husband leaves his wife in the Seychelles in the arms of a "masseuse" and does not realise that it is actually a man.


A woman wants to graduate to the Italian Naval Academy in the 60s. She has to fight her family, her friends and a world not ready to accept her.
