Enrico Ribulsi

The latest success by film-maker Giacomo Solaris is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is murdered. A resentful Sicilian magistrate orders the film seized, but then he winds up dead, in a fashion just like that in Solaris's movie. Solaris realizes that corrupt political forces are pulling strings, for his friends begin to die in grisly ways. Will he learn the truth about the murder of the judge in time?


A young writer is invited to stay in a religious hostel run by a sinister, manipulative nun who plays deadly psychological games with the inhabitants.


In Mussolini's Rome a murderer is targeting young girls.


Based on the story of Franca Viola and Filippo Melodia. In Sicily, as a Mafia boss leaves for prison, he advises Vito, a young man who's his potential successor, to marry a virtuous and poor woman. Vito's eye settles on Francesca, only 15, but lovely and self-possessed. Among her virtues are high self worth and forthright speech, so although she falls in love with Vito, she won't bow down to him. Believing he's losing face, he has his boys kidnap her and he rapes her. Then, he tells her he'll still marry her. Instead, she files charges. Her parents, brother, and neighbors refuse to support her. Will she break?


The trial of Saint Teresa de Lisieux.


E.C.H.O., a secret organization with a strange name masterminds a bizarre plot to take over the world by dosing important `nerve centers' with super potent LSD. The only man who can stop them is Rex, a secret agent working for an undisclosed organization.


Don Fernando, the son of El Cid, rallies peasants and townspeople to overthrow Moorish occupiers in medieval Spain.


Set in 18th-century Eastern Europe, the film concerns the star-crossed romance between a Polish military officer and a gorgeous Slavic princess. The princess' vengeful lover cuts a path of death and destruction throughout the land.


Arturo is a teenage boy who lives alone on an island. His mother died when he was born, and his father is always away. From time to time, Arturo's father comes to see him, but only too soon leaves him again. He seems not to appreciate his son at all, but, nevertheless, Arturo adores his father. One day, Arturo's father arrives with his second wife, Nunciata, a seventeen-year-old girl with whom Arturo soon falls in love...


During the winter of 1944, the partisans stationed in the Ligurian Apennines must go to a factory in Genoa, in order to pick up a delivery of weapons. Meanwhile, there's a strike in the city and the Nazis are trying to suppress it violently. The factory becomes the scene of fighting between the Germans and the partisans but the latter, aided by the workers, will be able to get the better.


A man, standing trial for robbery with murder, faces the death penalty. The testimony of an old civil servant may give him a reprieve but not peace of mind.


Episodic film with flashbacks about the lives of some sick and infirm people travelling on the same train, making a pilgrimage to the shine of Our Lady of Loreto.


Ten episodes, one for each of the Ten Commandments. Lost film.


Italian film from 1937 directed by Gennaro Righelli.
