Enrique Rosas

Digitally restored and reconstructed version, released in 2015 by the Mexican National Cinematheque with never seen before footage of one of the first feature films in Latin America. A gang terrorizes Mexico City's high society on 1915. Murder, kidnaping and robbery are their trademarks. One police inspector (Cabrera) follows the gang crimes and eventually send them to the jail.

A gang terrorizes Mexico City's high society on 1915. Murder, kidnaping and robbery are their trademarks. One police inspector (Cabrera) follows the gang crimes and eventually send them to the jail.


La soñadora ("The Dreamer") is a 1917 Mexican silent film. It features Sara García as an extra.

The attractive and rapturous Eva is ready to do anything to be the protagonist of a cruel and painful romance. Determined, the young woman falls in love with the humble craftsman Bruno, whom she later abandons to marry the millionaire Ernesto. Bruno goes mad with pain and is admitted to a madhouse. In delirium, Bruno imagines a tigress with Eva's face attacking her in her delusions.


Alma de sacrificio (Soul Sacrifice) is a 1917 Mexican silent film. It features Sara García as an extra.