Enzo Iacchetti

A "Z-movie" concerning the rise of a new world order which takes place in Italy.


After spending most of his life being defeated by his rival, Ottone, Biagio tries committing suicide - but in the hereafter he is offered a chance to come back to life for a week


Arnaldo, Anita and the twins, Martina and Federica, here is the Nardi family. A quiet, normal middle class family. The man is at that stage of his life where nostalgia for the period as a student becomes stronger. It would be nice to be able to go back. It would be nice to savor those moments. It would be also nice to tell someone who has little more than twenty years in life you have to believe in their dreams and not be afraid...


Ambientato in Val di Susa e tratto da un fatto di cronaca realmente accaduto, il film narra le vicende di due onesti lavoratori che, assillati dai debiti e dall'ansia per il futuro, decidono di provare il colpo della vita. I due organizzano dunque un rapimento, ma non avendo il coraggio di rapire una persona viva, decidono di rapire un morto, ma uno importante, per poter chiedere il riscatto. Ed è così che un operaio, soprannominato Pes (Enzo Iacchetti) e un piccolo imprenditore, soprannominato Crodino (Ricky Tognazzi) si trovano a trafugare la salma di Enrico Cuccia, noto finanziere. Pur nella loro ingenuità e totale inesperienza, i due riescono, senza neanche rendersene conto, a tenere in scacco per giorni le forze dell'ordine e a scomodare perfino i servizi segreti.


Medici miei is an Italian television series.


Il mammo is an Italian television series.


Benedetti dal Signore is a 2004 Italian comedy television series set in a convent of Franciscan friars.


In a world divided between two cities, the evil stone dragon Satam and his followers in the city of Petra wage war against the peaceful Tree People of Alborea. Beautiful Princess Aida, the daughter of Alborea's king, is taken prisoner by the Petrans and enslaved. As a servant, Aida meets and falls in love with handsome soldier Ramades. Ramades feels the same for Aida, but can their young love end the war between their two peoples?


A businessman is leaving for his family vacation in the South Pacific when he finds out that a rival has emptied his bank account. To save face he and his family lock themselves in the house, pretending to have gone on their trip, but it is not so easy to hide from the outside world.


Four different stories about italian football team’s supporter.


The owner of an Italian natural food company has a heart attack and asks his son, Bernardo, to find the man who saved his life in World War II and bring him to his deathbed. He does so and finds the man in a sanitarium and must deal with his hijinks all the way back to Milan.


Quei due sopra il varano is an Italian television series.


When gold is discovered in a remote location, a variety of different groups descend on the spot to stake their claims, resulting in a spate of brutal violence.
