Erast Garin

Ten years old Alik is invited to star in a movie as a young partisan but almost loses the opportunity.


Young lovers Hero and Claudio, soon to wed, conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles Benedick and Beatrice to wed as well.


An adventures of a 100% nylon "fur" coat traveling between various people.


The cartoon is based on several Krylov's fables.


The main character of the film is an ordinary chauffeur Pavel, whose life is not very successful, despite the fact that he is a very kind and fair person. Finally, fate smiles at Pavel, he meets true love, but more and more tests fall to his lot, as if testing a simple guy for strength.


A kindergarten director Troshkin is a dead ringer for a criminal nicknamed "Docent" who stole the priceless...


Father and son exchange the bodies using the help of two student fairies.


A clerk fakes his own death in order to get a big fortune.


Adventure of Mr. Promise - the one who promises and never does...

In a romantic and philosophical tale of magic and love, a mischievous Sorcerer turns a bear into a young man. Unhappy in his new state, the former bear, with the help of the magician and his beautiful wife, is looking for a princess to kiss in order for his wish to be granted. Certain that all princesses are a vain, spoiled lot, he approaches the first one he sees. But the princess herself is gentle, kind and beautiful, and she and the young man fall in love with each other at the first sight. Unable to bring her pain, he runs away without explaining. As the Princess takes brave actions to find her beloved, new characters enter the story, including the King's ambitious Prime Minister and a hunter looking for a bear fur to complete his collection. How will this complicated plot be resolved?


A story based on the popular Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale "Thumbelina".


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A never ending polar night reigns. The agitated residents of a village truns to a shaman but he won't help them. A brave young hunter goes in search for the sun.


A fairytale about homeless musician and his love for the princess.


1918 year. A woman commissar has been appointed from the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party to the Russian warship Gromoboi, which is ruled by anarchist sailors. The leader of the ship is the anarchist Vozhak. The Commissioner was instructed to reorganize the naval detachment into the First Sailor Regiment. She faces a difficult task: to win the authority of the sailors and eradicate anarchy. Of the remaining officers on the ship — lieutenant Bering, who served in the tsarist fleet on the battleship "Emperor Paul I". He must become the commander and, together with the sent commissar, lead the regiment to the front in the Black Sea region.


Set in 1955 when many migrated from Russia to the Steppes of Kazakhstan, this is the trip back to the Canal from the frontier and farms by a number of people who tell their settler stories. Alenka Muratova (Ovodova) is a winsome 13 year old who talks Dmitry Prokovich, the chief mechanic for the Soviet, into giving up his seat in the truck to a young mother with her infant daughter. Then Alenka and Dmitry share the back of the open truck with a young woman, newly graduated dentist who has not been able to find a position, Stefan, a hitchhiker with a dog who hopes his upper-class wife will return to him and the countryside, and Vasselina Petrovolka, a woman who lost one of her twin daughters in a riding accident by the river shortly after they arrived, and now is returning to tell the other twin of her sister's fate. A warm hearted look at common folks traveling in the frontier.


When a witch transforms her brothers into swans, a young princess must find a way to change them back.


The collection of TV series based on Albert Maltsa’s stories. Action happens at the time of the Great depression.


In a world inhabited by anthropomorphic produce, "Cipollino, the Onion Boy" fights the unjust treatment of his fellow vegetable townsfolk by the fruit royalty (Prince Lemon and the overly proud Lord Tomato) in the garden kingdom.


Animated short film dedicated to the redenomination of the Soviet ruble that happened on January 1, 1961.


The end of the 1950s. The Chinese passenger plane, following the Beijing-Moscow flight, enters a thunderstorm and makes an emergency landing in the Baikal region. In addition to the Soviet citizen Varvara Komarova, all other passengers are foreigners. Using a stop, they explore new cities and get acquainted with the life, work and rest of Soviet people.


On September 1, the first day of school, a happy young boy named Fedya draws a picture of a little man on a white wall using coal.


Once upon a time there were the tsar with the tsaritsa also there was at them a son Ivan-Tsarevich. And everything would be good if Ivan parents didn't come one morning and didn't tell them about the Beloved Beauty about which to it nurses sang, and now every day dreams. Also he wants to go in this world to look for to Beloved Beauty. Ivan-Tsarevich went, and to him the robber Bulat who became a sworn brother on the way. They began to look for Beauty.


The amusing adventures of the young builder Pasha Gusarov began from the moment when he met and fell in love with Katya on the train, who was going to conquer Moscow. Happiness makes a person careless, and the station is just the place where you can lose it. But it is at the station after all kinds of adventures that they meet again and now they will never part.


If anything's possible, what's important?

A poor girl was given an impossible task by her stepmother: to gather snowdrops in a winter forest. Suddenly she stumbled across twelve brothers who happened to be the twelve months.


An animated adaptation of the classic story of Nils Holgerson, a naughty boy who is transformed to a very little dwarf and goes through many adventures, flying with a band of wild geese.


The local doctor Yelizaveta Maksimovna is a beautiful woman and a wonderful sympathetic person. She is lonely, although she is cared for by a confident and promising colleague. Yelizaveta Maksimovna has one patient, a manly, full-energy ship builder Yershov, chained to the bed with a paralysis of both legs. All doctors recommend him rest, and Elizaveta Maksimovna advises to work and not feel sorry for herself. Yershov with all his heart falls in love with his doctor, and she loves him, but she does not dare to say her feelings. Ershov thinks that he has no hopes, but...


Based on the Chinese folk tale. Long ago, three brothers Liu lived in China. They were so similar that even their own mother discerned them on colored ribbons. The first brother could command fire, the second could drink the sea and return it back, and a third knew the language of birds, animals and fish.


Based on the Buryats - Mongolian fairy tale by Malyarevsky. Once a brave and honest shepherd Bair rescued from the claws of a black vulture a magic bird. The bird thanked the shepherd by presenting him with a magic chest. All that fell into this chest, it became new and doubled. The greedy merchant Galsan heard about the wonderful gift of the bird and deceived the chest from Bair.


Soviet and American soldiers are meeting on the shores of the Elbe river in Germany in 1945.


In the fairy kingdom live stepmother, her evil daughters — Anna and Maryana, a limp husband-forester and his daughter from his first marriage — Cinderella. The stepmother exploits the poor girl as a housekeeper. With the help of her godmother-fairy, Cinderella gets to the royal ball, where a beautiful and very kind prince falls in love with her. At midnight, the magic ends, and poor Cinderella has to return to her former life. But on the crystal shoe that Cinderella lost while fleeing the palace to the battle of the palace chimes, the prince searches for the bride.


Upon returning to a war-torn Leningrad, Nadezhda Kosheverova filmed a fairytale. With Zolushka she turned her back on reality and took a resolutely aesthetic perspective. Faithful to individuals and ideas, she surrounded herself with close collaborators and longtime friends. Evgeny Schwartz, who wrote the screenplay, wrote plays that incorporated fairytale elements with contemporary allusions – and his vitriolic humour earned him numerous bans. He wasn’t taking that risk with Zolushka but, instead of making a fairytale that conformed to the dominant ideology, as Aleksandr Ptushko was doing in his films, he wrote lines that would delight Soviet audiences for a long time afterwards. Irène Bonnaud and Bernard Eisenschitz


A story about the boys and their life during the WWII. Based on Lev Kassil book.


The story takes place in Summer 1942, when a small force of Black Sea Fleet sailors was surrounded by German troops but broke out the encirclement.


According to the eponymous vaudeville by A.P. Chekhov. Petty bourgeois Zhigalovs, whose daughter-in-law Dasha is being extradited, find out to their horror that the official Aplombov, who has been caring for Dasha all summer, has dined every day with them and has proved himself to be his bridegroom, is not going to marry at all.


Two look-alike boys, one a poor street kid and the other a prince, exchange places to see what the other's life is like.


Talented cabbie with aspirations as a singer spends afterhours practicing with an amateur opera company, ignoring his sweetheart, the femme cab dispatcher.


По мотивам пьесы Юрия Германа «Сын народа». Молодой врач после окончания института, оставив в городе любимую девушку, возвращается в родной поселок и энергично берется за дело. Больница в полном запустении. Но герой не отчаивается, и даже делает научное открытие, которое помогает вернуть зрение старому учителю и сестренке бывшей невесты.


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The film is based on eponymous play by Nikolay Gogol.

A sarcastic comedy about the Russian-Soviet bureaucracy, based on the eponymous novella by Yuri Tynyanov. Set in the reign of Emperor Paul I. A copying error by a military scribe turns the Russian words for "the lieutenants, however" into what looks like "lieutenant Kizhe". The Tsar reads the error, and wants to meet this (non-existent) Lieutenant Kizhe. His courtiers are at first too frightened to contradict the Tsar, but then the fiction turns out to be all too convenient for them. So Lieutenant Kizhe gets himself exiled to Siberia, recalled from exile, promoted, and married. He dies and receives a state funeral. In many ways, he is the most charming and lovable character in the film, even though he remains throughout the film a "confidential person, without a shape".
