Eric Gorlow

A romantic dinner for two goes awry when the host's long-lost brother crashes the party.

A former victim of human trafficking turned vigilante is now forced to face the man who sold her when she was just a teen.

Mary (Kate Lyn Sheil) lives alone. She is waiting for something to happen in her life. Riding the elevator to work, a strange man, Hayward, grabs her shoulder and speaks to her telepathically. “Do you believe in magic?” This triggers a nervous breakdown. After a visit to the emergency room, Mary goes to stay at her sister’s house, and goes into therapy. Mary can now hear people’s thoughts, and she starts hearing music that seems to be broadcast from her mind. Adapted by Gary Walkow from his novel of the same name.


After an unforeseen and violent affliction turns her world upside down, Rowena Hambleton struggles to survive night-to-night as she prowls the streets of Los Angeles. If there is a cure for what ails her, Rowena has yet to find it.
