Eric Laurent

About the farming mountain settlers in 1870s Sweden. The young Helge has been accused of manslaughter and has to fight for his life to survive.

it's the 1840s and a rural parish plagued by drinking and fighting gets a new vicar who has decided to instill law, order and fear of God into the parishioners.


Young drifter tells his story in flashback from prison.


In a rural parish in 1906, young Heikki, one of the Finnish immigrants, lives a wild and free life in the deep forest. After poaching, his furs are confiscated and Heikki vows to have his revenge by seducing the young women of the parish, one by one.


"House of Silence" - A banker and his old housekeeper are brutally assassinated by a gangster called Smith. The murders are arranged so that they may look like a showdown between two victims. The police force are divided on the murders. Susanna Braun, an old acquaintance of the banker, claims that he could not have murdered his housekeeper. A baron who owns a night club is in need of money. He does business with gangsters. The baron involves Smith in the kidnapping of Susanna Braun.

Based on a Finnish poem, The Kingdom of Rye is a gorgeous romantic drama set in rural northern Sweden during the harvest. It features a young couple whose love affair is fraught with Hardy-esque complications and an unhappily married wife of the landowner.
