Erich Kleiber

Following the success of the Art of Conducting-Great Conductors of the Past, this second edition focuses on a further six of the twentieth century's greatest conductors, complemented by commentary from music personalities who knew the artists firsthand. Rare film clips are also included of Herbert von Karajan, Hermann Scherchen, Andre Cluytens and Vaclav Talich.


After the government decides to incorporate the town of Entenbach into the town of Almendingen the two towns engage in a battle of pranks in order to lure tourists away from each other and change those plans.


Das Haus mit der Nr. 30 is a German television series.

In July 1945, US troops are leaving Saxony and Thuringia while the Red Army takes control of the territories. In a small village near Leipzig, the inhabitants try to adjust to the new authority.


The clownish security chief of a West German business is obsessed with protecting his factory from fancied and real breaches, especially from groups such as The Red Army Faction. Ferdinand's paranoia and methods can't be contained by his company. The sympathetically-drawn Ferdinand's ludicrous actions recall those of the cynical, disastrous axis between fascism and big business in 1930's Europe: satire of the rise of private security.


Corinna witnesses how three guys chase and shoot a man in front of her lonesome house. As only witness, they force her to come with them and care for the guy's wound. But she manages to flee shortly after and takes Blondi to a doctor. He tells her his story, how he used to smuggle drugs, but one day fled with a suitcase full of money. Corinna inexplicably falls in love with him and decides to accompany him on his further flight. But the villains are close behind them.


Two dumb blokes are searching for the illegitimate sons of an old captain. But it soon turns out, that the sons are daughters...


Vittorio pretends to be gay so he can chaperone a rich man's daughter on vacation in Germany. Unfortunately his driver really is gay and Vittorio has a problem.


A comedy directed by Franz Marischka.


A fight between two hotels: Schwarzer Rössl vs. Weißer Rössl.
