Erik Fleming

While they're on vacation in the Southwest, Rae finds out her man Michael spent their house money on a classic car, so she dumps him, hitching a ride to Vegas for a flight home. A kid promptly steals Michael's car, leaving him at the Zip & Sip, a convenience store. Three bumbling robbers promptly stage a hold up. Two take off with the cash stranding the third, with a mysterious crate, just as the cops arrive. The robber takes the store hostage. As incompetent cops bring in a SWAT team and try a by-the-book rescue, Michael has to keep the robber calm, find out what's in the crate, aid the negotiations, and get back to Rae. The Stockholm Syndrome asserts its effect.


When a mysterious spell transforms a young teenager's bratty little brother into a pig while their parents are on vacation, their only hope for restoring the hoofed youngster back to his human form is to take a trip south of the border in this supernatural comedy for the whole family starring Scarlett Johansson. For years, Kathy Cauldwell (Johansson) has been the target of younger brother George's obnoxious practical jokes. Soon after Kathy and George's parents leave the youngsters in the care of nanny Matilda (Eva Mendes) in order to get away for a much-needed vacation in France, George is transformed into a pig thanks to Matilda's ancient magical rocks. As the trio sets off to Mexico to seek the help of Matilda's Mexican grandmother with George's best friend Freud in tow (Alex D. Linz), matters are complicated when a local butcher sets his sights on the portly new ham in town.


In this off-the-wall road comedy, John (Ethan Suplee) and Sam (Kevin Connolly) are a pair of close friends who are in need of a vacation, so they hit the road from their hometown of Washington, D.C., to New Orleans, hoping to check out the action at Mardi Gras. Along the way, however, they manage to run over someone with their car; their victim, Tyrone (Coolio), is an escaped convict who dies shor


A navigator aboard a millionaire's yacht, Jack Morris discovers that the millionaire's mistress has stolen the data for his secret Virtual Reality. To escape, they encrypt, miniaturize, and tattoo the data onto Jack's PL:back. The pair share a VR adventure on the run from the Millionaire's thugs, meeting up with a wild series of characters.


NASA Deep Space Tracking Facility: Radar is picking something up. An object heading towards earth, L.A., at near light-speed. Impact: 9 seconds. L.A.: A boy, not even 10 years old, is being chased by three older boys. He is holding something small, a 'Terminator' figurine. Dead end! A fence is blocking his way. He is trapped. Standing no chance he hands 'Arnie' over to the gang leader. NASA Deep Space Tracking Facility: Impact! Three... Two... One... ?... Nothing. L.A.: The bullies are leaving the crime scene, now proud owners of an 'Arnie' figurine. But something's happening, something is blocking their way... a man clad in silver, hovering on a surfboard...
