Erik Matti

Rabid is an anthology film that probes into our everyday reality of anxiety, uncertainty and paranoia. It features distinct but interwoven stories that revolve around the different ways this world can drive us human beings to the brink of madness.


Infatuated high schooler Toni gets close to her crush, the varsity stud Kim, only to find out that he only wants her help in winning the heart of her older sister, popular influencer George.

A righteous policewoman who believes in justice finds herself in a difficult position when her son becomes a victim of black magic.

A Girl and A Guy is a modern tale of young adults navigating the tricky world of relationships, connection, and intimacy in today’s society. The film tells the story of a girl, the story of a guy, and the story of a girl and a guy.

Dreaming of a brighter future for her family, a mother who works as a domestic helper in Manila returns home to confront unforeseen changes in her life.

Arthur, Lando, and Dimitri show they are the best of friends looking out after one another. However, their bond is put to the test when a beautiful woman, Elena, enters their lives. As they try to impress their dream girl, will they be willing to tear their friendship apart?

Luis finds out that his twin has just died, and comes back home to find out the cause of her death. He soon realizes that the darkness in their house never left.


Set against the drug wars in the Philippines, Maria's husband is murdered in mysterious circumstances and is left to fend for her three children in a police state. As she delves into Manila’s dark underworld of cops, criminals, and drugs to find answers, she realizes the truth is never black and white, and that she must explore her own darkness to keep her family safe.


A special forces team is sent to snuff out a drug den, but find themselves trapped inside it after being set-up and betrayed.


A lady cop who moves into a small town gets drawn to a case that involves a girl that's possessed by an evil spirit.


In 1947, those aspiring to be priest are sent to a remote convent to live in seclusion on the last day of their training. The purpose is to shield them from evil of the world. The plot thickens when a mysterious young girl comes to the convent but the question is whether she is really sent by God or by the Evil.


A pair of married white-collar swindlers run afoul of their latest victims.


The biggest names in the country’s film industry speak up about the evolution of Philippine films and how it has transformed today’s industry.

A family of bloodthirsty monsters descends on the city to take revenge on the man that caused the death of so many of their own.


Taking all that was great from the first instalment, the movie aims to be a wilder, leaner, faster-paced and even more entertaining anthology this time around, with a new crop of award-winning, visionary filmmakers from around the globe.


On The Job is about the ambitions and passions of four men trying to make a living, for themselves and their families. It shows the parallels between two prison inmates who are contract killers, and the two agents of the law investigating the murders. As they get caught in a web of machination of corrupt government officials, their jobs lead them on a head-on collision against each other with their loved ones as collateral damage.


With dark shades on and a burning cigarette between his lips, Makoy will do whatever it takes to get back his girlfriend Sonia, who’s pregnant with their child. He makes the trip to remote Pulupandan, her hometown, and is quickly rebuffed by Sonia’s mother Fely. But Makoy has never been one to give up. With the help of Sonia’s father Nestor and his ever-dependable helper Bart, Makoy stays in town to surprise Sonia on her birthday. But alas, Makoy gets into trouble with a group of townsfolk who transform into tiktik—horrific, man-eating creatures with a taste for fetuses that are still in the womb! They are angry, and they are hungry for revenge. Will their thirst for blood and retribution be quenched? Will Makoy finally get his act together, protect Sonia and their baby, and once and for all prove himself worthy of their love? Who will win in the battle between men and monsters?


A heartbroken young woman begins a sexual relationship with a struggling artista, not knowing that her new beau is already married. As the truth comes out, obsession and jealousy bring pain into all their lives.


You'll never look at a statue of the Virgin Mary the same way again. Based on the assertion that divine apparitions aren’t what they always appear to be, Vesuvius is an interesting take on the psychopath with Catholicism smacked against the background. Gio Alvarez provides a convincing portrayal of a madman, and people can even argue if this short inclines toward the supernatural or the psychological. Whereas Grave Torture uses darkness impeccably, Vesuvius plays with light so well.


An aspiring young actress who fights for her right to strip.

The film is about Leo (Dwight Gaston), a single diligent company bookkeeper, who one day decides to take a leave from his humdrum routine office work and travel from Manila to Murcia, Negros Occidental to literally find his dream girl. Every now and then, Leo in his sleep sees a sultry woman in a flowing summer dress walking to him in slow motion and about to kiss him. In Murcia, he fails to see his imagined lady love but he meets someone else, Melanie (Marilou Kho), a single mother who works in the town’s municipal office.


Student wants to join a fraternity and has to endure live endangering tests in order to do so.


A young girl develops an unknown infection that causes her to evolve into a horrifying monster.


Unlucky in love, Keanna dreams of winning big on a game show; when that fails, she ends up a cleaning lady at a huge corporation. But her fortune seems to turn when she's promoted to a top job with the company, complete with all the perks of a luxe lifestyle. Even her romantic life is on an upswing, as the company's owner takes a shine to her. In fact, all her childhood dreams appear to be coming true.

Ordinary humans led by King Bantayan are being annihilated by the all-powerful evil king Bagulbol and his creatures of the dark. To end their tribulation, mankind’s leaders paid a mercenary with exceptional fighting skills to defend them. That mercenary is Exodus. Nearing their extinction, King Bantayan and the leaders of men dispatched Exodus on a quest to capture five elementals to aid them in the final battle against King Bagulbol.


Gagamboy (Spiderboy) is -you guessed it- Spiderman parody. both the main villain and Spiderboy gain their powers by eating radioactive bugs.


After their mother's death, her adult children gather in their family home to respect the funereal rite of Pa-sayim. Although they had originally thought she died of natural causes, thy soon realize that a dark force in he home may have played a part in her demise.


Antonio Chan, a prominent Chinese businessman, has three women in his life v Sol, a Filipina; Lu Shui, a Chinese; and Belinda, a Filipino-Chinese. Antonio has children with all three women. A crisis shakes up the over-extended Tsinoy family prompting all the members to re-examine their values, their relationships, and confront issues that they have refused to face all these years. With Mano Po 2, My Home, Regal Entertainments continues the tradition established by the critical and box-office hit Mano Po. Features strong dramatic performances from a stellar ensemble cast, lush visuals, a reverberating musical score, an unforgettable theme song, and a heart-warming screenplay that eloquently captures the rich Tsinoy culture. Laugh, cry, and be touched by this family story about forgiveness, healing and undying love.


Ditas is a new recruit in the whorehouse of Xedes and was handled by the pimp Nonoy. The number one rule in the house is never to be intimate or fall in love with each other. However, Nonoy was captivated by Ditas' beauty and personality that the two eventually had a relationship. Soon after Xedes learned of their grave offense, she fired Nonoy and the two got into a heated argument and fight that would later on meet its tragic ending.


a film by Uro Q. dela Cruz. .::.


The first time Eric (Bernard Palanca) laid eyes on Geri (Rica Peralejo), he knew that he had met the love of his life.


Charisse lives in a boarding house owned by Vivian Sales (Rina Reyes) but drops by her grandfather (Eddie Arenas) once in a while. The narrative goes on in this scenario and eventually leaps from drama to action when the lead characters, Charisse and Benito, get entangled with Bunny and the godfather-like character, Dodi (Celso Ad. Castillo).


A man (Janno Gibbs) meets the leader (Ramon Zamora) of a distant land threatened by imminent destruction.


A reluctant kidnapper tries to leave his life of crime behind in this sexy thriller. Gene works for the local underworld syndicate but always treats his abductees with kindness. He begins a dangerous affair with ex-bar girl Dolor, who's routinely beaten by her rich husband. When the cops move in on Gene's gang and Dolor's husband winds up dead, the couple flees with the law and their enemies in hot pursuit.


Andrew (Albert Martinez) is meticulous almost to the point of obsession. From the way he carries his clothes to the manner he delivers his Physics lectures, Andrew is methodical in everything he does. But his ordered existence is suddenly disrupted when one sexually adventurous student, Valerie (Joyce Jimenez), starts seducing him. Andrew gives in to the temptation, and soon, the two are caught in an explosive relationship that knows no bounds.


A gang of teenagers accidentally inherits a bag of drugs. They try to sell them back to their original gangster owners, but when that goes awry, they are reluctantly drawn into a protracted and bloody gang war. Meanwhile, they are neglected at home, and must deal with family abuse as well as the gangsters.


Christopher cannot help but think that he is jinxed, but his luck changes when an impish Christmas elf appears, offering him and his siblings a wish.


The magical world of "Samadhi" is threatened by the evil forces of Ravenal and Sifu sends out three teenage boys to journey on the Magic Temple. Jubal, Sambag and Omar, each with their own unique power battles the threat to the world of "Samadhi" and along the way faces many extraordinary things. The boys are sure to face a huge battle ahead of them but with the help of magical creatures they met along their journey, evil is eliminated and they learn the true value of camaraderie and believing in them selves to face any problem.


A Sequel to Erik Matti's 2013 movie "On the Job"

A biopic about the life of legendary movie producer and founder of Regal Films, Mother Lily Monteverde.


Set against the turbulent backdrop of the island of Mindanao where Pedring Eusebio, the corrupt Mayor of a fictional city called La Paz, rises to power. Eusebio, who started out in the rebel paramilitary group New People’s Army, has become the most influential politician and feared man in La Paz.