Erika Wallner

Set in 1960, the story follows the efforts of the Mossad, the Israeli Secret Service, to find former SS Colonel Adolf Eichmann, who ran from Germany to Argentina and took the name Ricardo Clement. He was wanted for the murders of both Europeans and Jews during the Holocaust. Learning of Eichmann's living in Argentina, the Mossad sends a team to capture him, led by agent Peter Malkin. The standing order: bring Eichmann back alive to Israel for trial.


Laura Regueira is wrongly accused of the murder of her boyfriend, he was killed by a band of thugs the night they were sharing a romantic moment. In the woman's reformatory Laura, besides of having to endure the life of prisoner, will have the chance of prove her innocence, with the help of a police officer who believes she's innocent Laura has the chance of uncover a band involved in drug traffic. These delinquents also use the women captive in the penitentiary as prostitutes.


An unscrupulous journalist confronts another journalist more idealistic than him.


Luisa's daughter attempted suicide. While attending the clinic and, contemplating the state of his daughter, Luisa recalls the early happy years of her marriage to Pedro, a popular and friendly sports journalist. Soon after came the first deception of her husband.


Lola Reyes is a singer who is succeeding and, therefore, is besieged by everyone. A group of homosexuals are the only ones authorized by his possessive mother to be her friends. Lola falls for a painter, and he falls for her, so her gay gang make him pose as one of them for the mother to authorize the friendship.


Three friends who work together in an office have to stay in a bigger city without their wifes. Therefore they want to take the chance and have some fun joining three girls from Sweden.


The moral conflicts of a conservative politician, his wife and a bully, in the Buenos Aires of the early twentieth century.


A young man is forced for economic reasons to work as a ranch in the south of Argentina and there he tries to conquer a rich heiress.


For eleven months a year, Evaristo, Máximo and Jacinto have only thought of one thing: summer vacations. Each one, in his own way, will try to deal with the forty degrees in the shadow of Madrid. Evaristo is a beach man and this year, as always, he approaches the coast with Filomena, his wife. The agglomerations to get a square meter of sand, the cakes in the chiringuito to eat the tortilla will be about to kill him. But it does not matter, September will come to rest from the summer. Maximum, on the contrary, is of the mountain. And this year he has rented a villa for himself and his family, including mother-in-law. Finally, Jacinto, owner of a gym, has sent his wife and children to Benidorm, while he remains "rodríguez" in the capital,


A comedy that shows how TV news people hunted winners of the sport lottery (Prode) in Argentine when this was very popular.
