Ermanno Roveri

Called to perform at the Scala, a young baritone begins a transatlantic romance with a famous pianist. The singer, having been skewered by a critic after his last performance in Milan, attempts to find a way to win over the audience and the critics, while wooing his love interest.


Dagli Appennini alle Ande is a Italian film from 1916 directed by Umberto Paradisi.

The film CHRISTUS was released in 1916, it is a silent movie which tells the story of the life of Christ from the Virgin Mary’s visit from the angels telling of his coming, to his birth and through his early life and onto to his betrayal by Judas, the crucifixion and his resurrection and his ascension to the Kingdom of Heaven. The film is divided into three segments which are referred to as mysteries. The first of these includes the birth of Jesus, the Magi, Herod and the slaughter of the innocents, the escape to Egypt and Pilate. The second part takes in the preaching of the Jordan, the expulsion of the merchants from the Temple, the adulteress and his entry into Jerusalem. The third Mystery, is itself then divided into three separate parts, which are The Passion, The Death and The Resurrection.
