Ernesto de Carvalho

In Brazil of yore, ex-humans feed on a fleeting drug.

Waving the flag that states every film is political, Vincent Carelli visibilizes in this documentary the cause of the Guarani-Kaiowá: a group of indigenous people that fear their lands, located in the Mato Grosso do Sul, will be confiscated by the State. A territorial conflict born more than one hundred years ago, during the Paraguay war. While fighting against the Brazilian Congress in order not to be evicted from their homes, the 50.000 indigenous people demand the demarcation of the space that belongs to them. With some rigorous investigative work, the Brazilian director tells with his own voice of the social and political injustices suffered by the Guarani people through material he filmed over the course of more than forty years. The archive images, both color and black and white, reveal the crudeness with which they coexist every day: among the violation of their civil rights and the guts with which they confront the usurpers.


Recife, undergoing so many changes, was the scene of a party of joy and tension, sports and politics. A happy experience, but full of the contradictions that make Brazil be Brazil and here wins the face and the space of Recife.


In July 2014 the police of Pernambuco used extreme violence against the Movement Occupy Estelita. Without trying to open any channel of dialogue, the riot squad, GATI and other troops used a disproportionate amount of force for the repossession of an area from José Estelita pier, in the city of Recife. It got clear during the day that the police were there not only to carry out a lawsuit, but to try to repress a legitimate movement of civilians.

As Ariel Ortega thinks about the history of contact of the Mbya-Guarani, he tries to understand how his people got expelled from their land.

With no Forest left to hunt and no land to cultivate, the Maby-Guarani depend on the sale of their handcraft to survive. Three young Guarani filmmakers accompany the daily life of two comunities united by the same history, since the first contact with the Europeans until the intense coexistence with today’s White people.