Ernst Laemmle

A playboy's mistress falls in love with another man. Her younger sister arrives in town. Complications ensue.


As a favor to her old chorus pal Mrs. Dexter, Broadway dancer Phyllis Sherwood agrees to play a joke on a client of Mrs. Dexter's lawyer husband. The client, a roving rogue named Clyde Thompson, has a habit of romancing married women and has already made up his mind to make Mrs. Dexter -- whom he's never met -- his next conquest. Phyllis poses as Mrs. D. to throw Clyde off the track, leading to an unending supply of humorous complications.

Maj. John Furth, a Southern race-horse owner, borrows money to enter his prize racehorse Blue Bird in a race back east, hoping to win enough money to replenish the family fortune. A crooked horse trainer, planted by the man who loaned Furth the money and who wants to marry his daughter Barbara, claims that Blue Bird is a "man killer" and must be shot. Charlie, a neighboring miner who also loves Barbara, doesn't believe it and takes Blue Bird to his mine. Complications ensue.

Ed Cobb is in love with very cute Barbara Worth but she won’t marry him until he lowers his temper and stops fighting. When his rascally cousin forces Ed’s horse off the road, Ed falls and, unconscious for a while, develops amnesia and nearly marries a love-starved widow woman.


Four Square Steve is a roaming cowboy who saves Milly from the rude advances of a dyed-in-the-wool villain. She gets Steve a job on her father's ranch. The bad man returns and kidnaps Milly to a deserted shack where he tries to force her into marrying him. Steve has found the note she left and he is rides to the rescue.


Paris, Hollywood, not Paris, France, the perfect setting for Ernst Lubitsch's comedy of pretense.


A society woman believes her husband is having an affair, a misconception which may have dire personal consequences for all involved.


Bob Evans is the bashful foreman of the Denton ranch. He reads books and dreams of being a hero. He gets his chance when Gladys overhears Walling planning to smuggle stolen diamonds across the border. Finding Gladys' note, he sets out after Walling.


On a passenger train passing through the desert, Louise offers to pay the fares of Happy Hobo and Collie. The boy Collie accepts, but Happy continues on foot and finds on a dying man a map to a gold mine and a photograph of his daughter, who is none other than Louise.