Ernst Romanov

A three young guys living in countryside meet two girls who change their lives.

The end of the XVIII century. The reign of Catherine II. In the deep Russian provinces, among the vast steppes of the Ural escaped convict Yemelyan Pugachev proclaimed himself Emperor Peter III of Russia. Under the banner of the Pretender embarked detachments of Cossacks, fugitive serfs, and many spirited people. In these troubled times in the God-forsaken Belogorsk young officer Pyotr Grinyov meets his first love - Masha, the daughter of Captain Mironov. Recklessly passionate love with each other did not want to notice the signs of impending trouble. They did not know that soon they will be an ordeal. They could not imagine how bizarre way their fates intertwined with the fate of the self-proclaimed king, and what an incredible effort will be worth it to save their lives and feelings in the bloody chaos of Russian riot.


The story of the last year and a half of Tsar Nicholas II and his family from the February Revolution of 1917 to their execution in July 1918.


Alexandre is a young medical student who is holidaying at his uncle's country home for the summer. He begins a lustful love affair with his cousin Sonia, but his attentions quickly rift towards her beautiful Polish friend, Nathalie.


A model can not believe that happiness came to her in the face of a funny and unmodern, but sincere and selfless casual acquaintance.


After a two-year absence Valentin returns home and finds his sister Alisa in a deranged state. It turns out that the girl has long been on the needle. Brother is trying to pull the sister of drug hell, but, unfortunately, Alice dies of an overdose. From that moment Valentin declares ruthless war on drug dealers.


The young man decides to go into business. The main advantage of "novice businessman" is a great ability to mimic other people's voices.


A fairytale about the town of Nemukhin and it's citizens.

The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.


XIII century. Prince Daniel of Galicia returned from the Horde, where he graciously have allowed to rule in Galicia in exchange for recognition his submission to Khan. But he can not accept the humiliation. He begins to prepare for war with the hordes of Batu, who conquered many Russian principalities. The Hungarian king, Lithuanians and Poles promised to support Daniel, but Pope Innocent IV refuses to lend a hand. Daniel's army is compelled to reflect the invasion of nomads herself.


According to the story of the same name by Vladimir Makanin. Mitya Rodiontsev, a young employee of the research institute, for some time now became one of those who were in the close circle of the secretary of the director Aglaya Andreyevna and felt well protected from the vicissitudes of fate. Having become a “retinue”, Mitya was no longer engaged in science, but was busy for those who needed him, openly respected him and saw him as a future leader. But once Rodiontsev was not invited to the director’s office for a weekly tea party...

At the beginning of the 1941 war, a young talented artist Igor and his theater were evacuated to Tashkent. Here he meets music teacher Olga, who is seriously ill with malaria. Igor understands that only treatment in the capital will save the girl. But they are allowed into Moscow only on special passes. And then Igor almost by force drags Olga to the registry office. Feeling responsible for the girl, Igor begins to patronize her more and more...


A boy falls in love with the girl whose injuries he is responsible for...

The film is based on the popular science-fiction novel “Professor Dowell’s Head” by Russian writer Alexander Belyaev. For many years, a prominent scientist had been striving to solve the problem of immortality. He shared the results of his daring and risky experiments with his colleagues. But one day something happened that no one could have foreseen: the professor had disappeared. The best student and follower of Professor Dowell tries to use the results of his scientific research for criminal purposes. It looks like he is going to succeed…


The tank corps of General Shubnikov in the spring of 1945 was already on the outskirts of Berlin. The stray rear did not ensure the regularity of the fuel supply. Colonel Lebedenko was commissioned to organize a base of fuel and lubricants in Himmelsfort, where a small group of Soviet soldiers had to enter into an unequal battle with the remnants of an enemy tank regiment, trying to break through the city.


Village children organize a patrol to fight a poachers destroying fish in local lakes.


Seva, a young schoolboy, is fighting his parents and especially grandmother who want to make child prodigy out of him.


A group of Soviet soldiers are trying to prevent the chemical weapons trials by German army during WWII.


Marina is a girl who saves a colt from being put down because of a trauma, and she gives him the name - Grand.


A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1945.


At the beginning of the summer of 1905, representatives of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party Krasilnikov and Elkonen turned to Captain Zhanis Trautman, a Latvian political emigrant living on the outskirts of London, with a proposal to lead a steamer with a cargo of weapons to the shores of Russia. Having recruited a team of old and tried comrades, Trautman changes the crew of an English cargo ship bought by the front men. In the course of the squabble that arose on this occasion, a sailor of the old crew, David Blake, was stabbed. The wounded Blake and the veterinarian Gruber, who accompanied the cargo of anthrax drugs, are forced to leave on board. On the high seas, weapons and explosives were loaded on board. The steamer headed for the Oresund Strait, where a messenger was to meet him.

Young mathematician Dmitry hard going through the care of his wife. Having accidentally got to the shooting of the film, the hero suddenly begins to realize that the plot is based on the memories of his ex-wife.


A movie about a Soviet soldiers on the Japanese borders during 1941.


Militia Colonel Kornilov is leading a complex investigation related to multiply carjackings.


After the novel of the same name of M. Avdiyev and A. Donets. The film is about first operations of National State Security.


One of the longest films ever made


The main character is a talented, but timid writer of the Filippok experiencing with his country the difficult years of revolution, devastation and war. Adversity helps him overcome the unrequited and faithful love for the widow of Commissioner Zinochka, who bossily manages his career, not hesitating to start novels with other men. Filippok will describe the story of his life in a book that at the end of days will be presented by a terminally ill, but still dearly beloved wife, with gratitude for the experience.


Preferring geology, poetry, giving his exceptional talent to the cause, which he considered useful and necessary, Ishutin was difficult but glorious path finder. And remained in the memory of people (and especially sons) a selfless and dedicated. The prize "For the best direction" K.Ershovu 12-Union Film


Фильм создан в жанре музыкальной комедии по мотивам знаменитого юмористического романа О"Генри "Короли и капуста". Действие фильма разворачивается в условной стране "Анчурия", где каждый год выбирают нового президента. Так бы все и шло своим чередом в островной Анчурии, если бы не чемоданчик с сотнями тысяч долларов, вдруг обнаружившийся у местного брадобрея, и таинственный незнакомец, однажды выброшенный волной на анчурский берег.


Soviet spies are delivering top-secret mail to Moscow.


The mayor of a village sees her son killed in a gun accident. A successful, dedicated bureuacrat, she must reconcile her desire to build a bridge - and the new housing that will come with it - with the reality of resistance from the townspeople and her own grief.


The film shows the daily life of an architecture studio, where a young student comes to work on his dissertation.


Professor Sretenski is a scientist and director of a research center in Russia. He is separated from his wife and lives alone. His daughter, who lives with the mother, comes to his home and stays with him for a period, leaving her daughter with him. He raises his granddaughter, feeling a great affection for her.


Love story filmed in Russia.
