Erwin Anders

The electrician Peter Drews is a brigadier at a Baltic Sea dockyard. His men are among the most reliable and diligent workers at the dockyard. Their motivation, however, increasingly suffers from Peter’s narcissism and imperiousness. Even his girlfriend Brigitte who is also a member of the brigade finds it increasingly difficult to accept his behavior. One day, Peter decides that the entire group must enter the navy - just because he has received his conscription call. While four men follow Peter into the navy, Brigitte, who has broken up with Peter, takes over the control of the brigade. During the work at the ship on which Peter is based at she meets the charming lieutenant Asmus.

Film by Gottfried Kolditz.

Film by Vladimir Jantschev.


Young lovers Hero and Claudio, soon to wed, conspire to get verbal sparring partners and confirmed singles Benedick and Beatrice to wed as well.


Hated by her jealous and bloodthirsty stepmother, Snow White flees a murder attempt and seeks shelter in the woods with seven kindly dwarfs. Feeling she is safe from harm, Snow White welcomes the disguised queen into her home...with fatal consequences.


The soldier Martin has been relocated to a small border village in Thuringia. During a storm, he comes to the rescue of Renate, a farmer′s daughter. The two young people fall in love, thereby upsetting Renate′s father who has already promised his daughter to the son of the big farmer Grabow. Henceforth, he does his utmost to tear Martin and Renate apart. Meanwhile, Grabow prepares to flee the GDR with the help of the lance-corporal Zimmer who is indebted to him.

No overview found.


Film by Bärbl Bergmann.

17-year-old Traudel flees the orphanage she has to live in, in order to venture to Berlin.


After 1945, land reform forces Old Kraske to become an agricultural worker, but he continues to work on his own, flatly refusing to join any collective farming activities. He desperately wants a large-scale farm like Kimpel's in order to pass it on to his adored grandson, Tinko. When Kraske's son Ernst returns from a POW camp and gives his support to the new communal project, tensions arise within the family and little Tinko is caught in the middle.


DEFA crime film about the smuggling of PVC across the (still open) border from East to West Berlin.


Post-war Germany: Like so many other women, Gerda Krause has lost her husband during the war and has to fend for herself and her two children. She finds work as a seamstress but refuses the offering of her department chief Zimmermann to upgrade her qualifications. One day she meets Uschi, an old friend of hers, whom she has helped with schoolwork before the war and subsequently lost track of. The reunion reminds Gerda of her childhood dream: to become a teacher. Thus, she decides to enroll at university to make her dream come true.

After the workers’ revolt on June 17th, 1953 this film disappeared in the archives until 1997.

A film about Dresden - before, during, and after the war.

Documentary short about the Leipzig Tradefair in 1946.