Essie Lin Chia

Robert Sand, agent of D.R.A.G.O.N. (Defense Reserve Agency Guardian Of Nations), is playing tennis on his vacation with a beautiful black girl, when his commanding officers ask him to save a Chinese girl who happens to be Sand's girlfriend, and the daughter of a top Eastern Ambassador. The ransom for the abduction was the secret for a terrific new weapon - the freeze bomb.


A newlywed couple’s relationship turns into a nightmare when they start to witness paranormal activity. A “spiritualist” is hired to investigate the strange phenomenon, and discovers a deep, dark secret within the marriage that’s bringing back a vengeful spirit.

Spies discover that the Red Chinese have built a "doomsday machine" capable of destroying the surface of the Earth, and that they plan to use it within a matter of days. Meanwhile, Project Astra, a manned U.S. space mission to Venus, is in its final hours before launch when it is taken over by the military and nearly half of its all-male crew is replaced by women. The reason for this becomes apparent when, shortly after Astra leaves orbit, the Earth is completely destroyed in a global cataclysm! Is the human race doomed? What dangers and wonders await the crew of the Astra on their journey to Venus?


Two men, taught by the same master, find themselves destined to cross swords.


Chong has been dedicating to run the Hotel Esquire for more than thirty years. Business is booming. However, a double room rented by a newly married couple is said to be haunted. Business thus declines sharply. Chong employs a private detective to look into the matter first, and then a taoist to play exorcism. But nothing has changed. One day, Chong and a tenant see a woman in weird dressing go into the room. They then plot to catch the backstage manipulator of this haunting event.

It's a no-holds-barred battle to the death for possession of the invaluable Purple Sword. Assistant director Wang Po-yi also wrote this entertaining and exciting adventure which could have also been called "The Five Tigers" since there's no doubt that this quintet is the highlight of the action. Huang Tsung-shun is "Fierce Tiger," Hung Liu is "Drunk Tiger," Hsu Erh-niu is "Lame Tiger," award-winning actor Ku Feng is "One-eyed Tiger" and respected director/actor Wu Ma is "Sick Tiger" in a tangle of tussles and thrills


A remake of the 1961 version


Lo Lieh play an ambitious martial artist who wishes to be number one in the martial world. Unfortunately, while he's tough, he's no match for the son of the number one martial artist. Unwilling to wait for the next tournament, he connives to steal the legendary Magic Steel Sword from his bride to be who with her sisters is protecting the sword from unscrupulous martial artists. He easily steals the sword which is half super steel and half super magnet.This way he's able to disarm all his opponents by pulling their iron weapons right out of their hands from across the room. The three sisters team up with the son and try to take back the sword.


The notorious “One-Armed Swordsman” who has spent the last two years retired from the martial world as a simple farmer with his wife. Of course this idyllic life is about to be sliced to ribbons by Chang’s wicked imagination. He concocts a savory setup when he introduces, not one, but eight unique villains known as the Eight Kings of Swords and their sword-wielding entourage for Wang Yu to eventually chop his way through.


Lily Ho and Jimmy Lin Chong operate a travel agency specializing in Southeast Asian holidays, Tropicana Interlude. Lin Chong wears his trademark Nehru suits, tours the scenic sights of Malaysia and Singapore, and warbles a half-dozen hit tunes, making this one of Shaw Brothers most lively 1960’s musical romances.


A jewel thief (Lin Chong) decides to turn over a new leaf. He starts anew as a professional singer; but before long, the he becomes suspect again for a series of robberies. He sets up a trap to snare the copycat thief, but will it snare him instead?


A sensitive love triangle helmed by one of Shaw era's top directors, Chin Chien. A psychiatrist taking a room at an old friend's apartment soon discovers an insane woman living in a neighboring flat. As the doctor gradually heals the woman he also falls in love with her. The problem arises the friend's daughter confesses her love to him as well. Misunderstanding and mistaken passions soon lead to broken hearts and an emotional confrontation to the love triangle.


Shaw Brothers comedy.

Spring Blossoms is a parable about the Chinese youth culture and what's important to the younger generation when it comes to romance. It starred a new wave of seventies, Shaw's beauties, Lily Li, Shu Pei-pei and Essie Lin-chia as single women looking for love. It's a triple-decker romantic bus ride on a road to nowhere speeding toward a low bridge. Only Lily Li became successful via her martial-arts abilities, so awesomely featured in Jackie Chan's The Young Master.


Mandarin-era Hong Kong film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women.

The film tells a complicated love story. Carmen with Ke, Xiang Yi and Jiyuan. They start as a friend, but somehow a love triangle occur, and the outcome is very tragic.


Shaw Brothers Action Drama.


Spy thriller set in occupied Shanghai. Li Lihua stars as the woman who is thrust into the role of nationalist freedom fighter when she discovers that her husband is a collaborator with the Japanese.