Esther Kiss

A British diplomat falls in love with a famous singer when he meets her in Cannes.


In the years after his graduation Allen Shepherd has become a successful novelist and has married Jane Anderson. A firm proponent of traditional sex roles, Shepherd leaves Jane when she accepts a teaching post at Oxford. He later changes his views, and the couple is reunited.


This French film confection directed by Henry Roussell concerns two young Parisian beauties in love with same fellow (Fernand Fabre). When one of the girls (Suzy Vernon) goes to America, the one who stays home (Esther Kiss) thinks shes triumphed. But when the traveler returns and the guy goes for her new-found sophistication, the competition continues- including the hilariously mock-heroic duel we see in this four-sheet design.

The tale of a rich, flaky poet and his servant who both join the army and wind up in the same barracks.
