Ethan Banville

Bubble-shaped boy James questions anything and everything that annoys him. The result? An awesome life of odd adventure with his two best friends.

Billy is the self-designated leader of a group of teenagers living in a shelter. Jacob and Rae, Billy's oldest childhood friends, live there as well as part of "the family". Billy has an AIDs-like virus, which he has passed on to his blood brother Jacob. Billy and Rae are boyfriend and girlfriend, much to the dismay of Jacob who has always loved Rae from afar. Billy's philosophy of life, and how that interfaces with having a deadly virus, comes to a head when Billy and Jacob compete in a very unique game of "Tag", with the future of Rae and "the family" dependent upon the outcome.


It's the end of an era. After Josh ruins Drake's chances at having a hit song in the Superbowl, the boys must find a way to make things right.
