Etsuko Hara

Rena and Yuko, the two sexually-adventurous high school girl friends from Pink Tush Girl (1978) get part-time jobs at a hostess bar in order to earn money for an abortion for Yuko. At the end of the school year the two must part as Yuko prepares to depart for acting school in Hokkaido, and Rena gets ready for college.

Roman Porno from 1979.


Ryoko leaves the chaos of her dorm for the peace and quiet of her own place because she wants to keep her relationship with a doctor at Murata Hospital a secret. Unfortunately, that privacy is short-lived as she discovers a “peeping tom” next door neighbor that spies on her all the time. When the doctor’s wife learns of the affair, poor Ryoko gets caught in a web of jilted lovers, frisky lesbians, slapstick sexual assault and embarrassing incidents with household appliances.


Nikkatsu Roman Porno film about a brothel headhunter named Miura who brings young runaway Choma to a bathhouse/brothel and begins her prostitution career. Miura also falls in love with Choma, which causes problems when she falls for a dangerous yakuza gangster.


Another entry in the "Female Teacher" series.

Nikkatsu Roman Porno