
Terrible things breed in broken hearts. Medea is a wife and a mother. For the sake of her husband, Jason, she’s left her home and borne two sons in exile. But when he abandons his family for a new life, Medea faces banishment and separation from her children. Cornered, she begs for one day’s grace. It’s time enough. She exacts an appalling revenge and destroys everything she holds dear.


TV adaptation of Michael Thalheimer's production at the Schauspiel Frankfurt.


A talented ensemble cast bring Euripides masterpiece to life. The Bacchae (also called The Bacchants or Bakchai in Greek) tells the story of the god Dionysus (played by Mia Perovetz) who comes to the city of Thebes disguised as a charismatic young man accompanied by a throng of erotic female maenads. The immortal play is a study in fanatical religions and confronts the personal balance that we all must find between order and spontaneity.

Euripides' Greek tragedy, "The Trojan Women" is played out on the edge of a rocky desolate Mexican border town in this poetic reinterpretation by Director Mauricio Chernovetzky.


The young wine god Dionysus returns to his native town of Thebes after having established his cult in the east. In his entourage, he has a run of Bacchantes. Semele, his mother, was distrusted by her family when she claimed that Zeus was the father of her child. Dionysus has come to restore her, revealing his divinity, and require proper worship of the Theban legion.


It is an adaptation of the Greek tragedy Medea from Euripides, a version where the Gods willing and intervations are absent. Medea is the tragic character that after helping Jason in the Voyage of the Argonauts (myth says that she has even sacrificed her own brother for Jason's success), she gets from him only betrayal, as he arranges to marry the King's of Corinth daughter. The king decides to exile Medea, as she is a danger for his daughter happiness, but Medea asks from him just a day… before she goes outside the borders. That day Medea gets her revenge…


A series of dramas featuring staged theatre plays.


The Greek army is about to set sail to a great battle, but the winds refuse to blow. Their leader, King Agamemnon, seeks to provide better food, but accidentally slays a sacred deer. His punishment from the gods, the sacrifice of his daughter Iphigenia.


Elena, the wife of a very rich man, spends the summer on an island in the Aegean Sea, doing archaeological research. One day her son comes to visit her son from her first marriage. The sea, the sun, the shepherds with ancient half-lingual rites, a handsome youth, not yet an old woman - no one remembered what happened in Ancient Greece ...


Hecuba and the other women of Troy rise to find their city in ruins and their cause lost. The city has fallen into Greek hands and it is likely their lot to become slaves of Greek soldiers. A messenger approaches to inform them that the lots have been drawn and each woman will be taken to the man who drew for her. Of particular interest is Hecuba's daughter, Cassandra, who is chosen for the Greek kings bedchamber. She has received word of this news already and is in hiding because she has sworn an oath to the gods that she will live as a virgin. When she is found she has some particularly nasty things to say about treatment at Greek hands.


Filmed stageplay based on the ancient greek play The Bacchae written by Euripides. This play is performed by members of The Performance Group, an NYC experimental theater group who has made their own personal adaptation of this ancient text. Filmed by Brian De Palma.


Adi (Admitos) is under the protection of Apollo, the son of a man with money and relationships. The two are in jail, suspected of murder, but without evidence. So they are released. Adi loves Claudia (Alkeste), the domestic partner of his arch enemy, who finds death in a - metaphysical - duel. The power of Apollo is with Adi, who subsequently even finds out how to overcome death, after the apocalypse.

The third part of Euripides’ trilogy relates Orestes’ confrontation with the people of Argos after killing his mother Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus, and his struggle to defend himself and his heritage – with the support of his sister, Electra.


Based on the plot of Euripides' Medea. Medea centers on the barbarian protagonist as she finds her position in the Greek world threatened, and the revenge she takes against her husband Jason who has betrayed her for another woman.


In 1963 Boultenhouse wrote, produced, and directed Dionysius,which he described as a “free treatment of Euripides' The Bacchae.”It starred the dancers Louis Falco, Anna Duncan, and Nicolas Magallanes as Dionysius, Agave, and Pentheus respectively, and the experimental filmmakers Charles Levine, Willard Maas, Gregory Markopoulos, Marie Menken, Lloyd Williams and William Wood as the Chorus of Cameras. The film's score was by Teiji Ito.

A retelling of the Greek myth of Phaedra. In modern Greece, Alexis's father, an extremely wealthy shipping magnate, marries the younger, fiery Phaedra. When Alexis meets his stepmother, sparks fly and the two begin an affair. What will the Fates bring this family? Alexis's roadster and the music of Bach figure in the conclusion.


Living in exile after the death of their father, the grown children of a murdered and usurped king converge to exact eye-for-an-eye revenge.


The god Dionysus decides to pay a visit to the city of Thebes. Dionysus wants to be the worshiped by the masses, but the kingdom is suffering a horrific drought and the king Pentheus wants instead to sacrifice a virgin to the God Demeter.


A betrayed queen takes a terrible revenge.

The inalienable and inconceivable core of an old myth is swirling and fermenting beneath the surface of a recognizable contemporary story. Medea is called Anna in this version, a successful doctor who is trying to get on with her life after a forced confinement. She is willing to forgive the affair of her husband with a younger woman and to make a new start with him and the children. Soon it turns out that their plans for the future do not correspond. Anna is in danger of losing everything: her husband, her children, her career. She is cornered and sees only one way out.
