Eva Binon

A shameless absurd comedy about the generational conflict between young people who carry the weight of the new economic crisis and the powerful baby boomers who have no intention of giving up their luxury lifestyle. Generation B. follows six young people trying to survive in the metropolis that is Brussels. Jonas’s once perfect life has disintegrated, leaving him homeless, jobless and without his girlfriend Brulletje. When he meets underground guru Sebastiaan who wants to unleash a revolution against the baby boomers, everything reaches a boiling point….


When Belgium's credit rating is lowered from AA+ to B, a crisis affecting mostly young people erupts. While the gap between baby boomers and youngsters grows, Jonas tries to win back his ex-girlfriend.

Gus and his pregnant girlfriend Anna are on holiday. During their nightly walk to a spot near the water, Anna makes a confession. Can the couple, amidst the wildness of nature and under a full moon, overcome the conflict? Will they reach their idyllic spot?
