Eva Czemerys

American Raphael talks his colleague at the Parisian University into spending his summer at the family's country mansion. But once there Raphael seduces and plays the sisters and mother against each other - until everyone is revealed at their very worst. As it turns out - that was Raphael's intention all along - because his own torrid past is deeply rooted in their family's dirty history.


A ragtag group of people have to fight extermination squads amid their ruined city.


The latest success by film-maker Giacomo Solaris is a crime thriller about a judge who gets too friendly with the Mafia and is murdered. A resentful Sicilian magistrate orders the film seized, but then he winds up dead, in a fashion just like that in Solaris's movie. Solaris realizes that corrupt political forces are pulling strings, for his friends begin to die in grisly ways. Will he learn the truth about the murder of the judge in time?


Thinly sketched portrayal of Maria, a sixteen year old girl who is resentful of her mother's decision to live with her lover. She flirts with the lover and eventually succumbs to his lust.


The story is about a youth named Massimo Monaldi, who, living in Rome, is a part-time college student who has some involvement in the protests that occur at his university. Massimo is also involved with drugs and he sometimes steals to make a living and support his habit (the theft of a tobacco box is very important to the story). Among his associates are his girlfriend, Cinzia, who comes from a wealthy family, and he has a wealthy male friend named Rudy who is very naive as well as strangely pampered by his overly-doting mother. Both families don't approve of their relationship with Massimo.


A rich man gathers together friends and relatives at the abandoned theatre he owns, but the party isn't fun for long since apparently one of them is a murderer.


Italian exploitation drama.

Andrea Rispoli falls in love with Anna Andersson, a Swedish girl who has just inherited the boarding house where he's staying. When Anna is discovered to be suffering from a potentially lethal heart condition, Andrea decides to do whatever it takes to raise the money for he treatment. Even if it means risking his own life...


A woman goes behind bars in order to save her father's life.


When it looks like the plane that Cristina is travelling on is about to crash, she makes a pledge to become a nun if her life is spared. The plane lands safely & Cristina uphold her end of the bargain, but even as a nun she cannot leave her promiscuous ways behind her.


Don Giorgio, a handsome young priest and teacher in a convent, is involved with two lovers: Orchidea and Giulia. When he repents and vows to return to the Church, he is savagely beaten to death. Not long after, Giulia has her throat slashed. Inspector Boito falls in love with and prepared to marry Orchidea, who is also the main suspect. The key to solving the case seems to lie with an inquisitive boy called Ferruccio, who is kept locked up and drugged. He witnessed one of the murders, but will anyone believe his story?


Senator Pupis feels a strong and uncontrollable urge to grab women's bottoms, a habit than can lead to embarrassment, especially if the woman in question is head of another state and the occasion a state visit. In his desperation Pupis turns to the clergy for spiritual and psychological help.


Giallo rarity with the delightful Eva Czemerys. Well worth a viewing for those who obsess over the giddy realms of Gialli. (Photography by everyone’s favorite filth hound Joe D’amato) ‘La Gatta In Calore’ is quite a dark, erotically charged Giallo about a beautiful, bored and neglected housewife’s decent into a drug debauched relationship with her abusive and hedonistic neighbour. (The scenes when Czemerys is tormented by her young demented beau and his sleazy, dope-fiend friends is genuinely creepy).


The story of a beautiful young woman who, for the love of her ambitious husband, becomes a blackmail victim and has to resort to prostitution...
