Eva Gröndahl

Anita and Gunnar live a calm, retired life. They don’t make love anymore. They watch TV. When Anita makes a wish and is visited by a young, virile TV show host, the couple is suddenly faced with life-changing events. Make a Wish is a comedy about dreams, and about what happens when you get too much of a good thing.

In this Swedish TV drama, a once-kittenish young woman has become a fortyish spinster, still helping her widowed father on the family farm. Marta drives tractors, does the planting and harvesting, and helps to maintain the property. Meanwhile her father Johansson worries and wonders if his aging daughter will ever find a man to marry her. Into this tense situation comes Sture, the potato seller,,,


The story of Ingmar Bergman's parents. In 1909, poor theology student Henrik Bergman falls in love with Anna Åkerbloom, the daughter of a rich family in Uppsala. After their wedding Henrik becomes a priest in the north of Sweden. After a few years Anna can't stand living in the rural county with the uncouth people. She returns to Uppsala, Henrik stays in the north.


Saxophone-pimp is a meditation on urban hotel as youth. Here, at the city hotel in the small town, we find the entire gallery of: the young lion dance, the drunk lady and the happy party. New for the evening is Vera, a divorced mother in her prime. Dance band saxophonist follows the awkward attempts at contact between Vera and a drummer, and decides to help her along. He plays the classic "Petite Fleur". Again and again and again .....


"The Marriage" - Eva and Kent are planning to get married. Their bridal stag parties causes some problems. The wedding reception will serve moonshine since the regular booze is capsized at sea.
