Eva Mende

During a mission, a young policewoman kills a supposed attacker. Her colleague relieves her by making it look like self-defense. Traumatized and reluctant, Sarah Korr is sent off to forget the incident. As she sets out on a journey, Sarah experiences how the father of a small boy is shot dead at the airport. Instinctively, she rescues the shocked child, pulling her into the next train. She hides Lino with her grandfather in a lonely alpine hut. But a killer is on her track. And Sarah realizes she's got into trouble with a criminal organization.


Doro is young, beautiful and a trained opera singer that gets by with occasional jobs. Her neighbour, a former criminal detective, is dying and she cares for him in his last moments. His dying wish is to see his son Michael. Doro fulfills the old man's wish and they meet for the first time since twenty years.


Ensemble Drama about people living in Berlin...


Several episodes set on Christmas Eve.
