Eva Nelson

Bill is a married telephone worker, who gets chased around by a lot of people.


Web of office romance entanglements lead to slapstick hijinks at a fly paper company.

A deadbeat father abandons his wife after she has triplets, who chases him down and exacts comic justice.


It all starts when the actress-wife gives a midnight party to her former associates and Bill and Mr. Jowlish try to horn in on the revelry...

A comic one-act film in which affairs of the heart lead to a duel, and a chase. Amorous entanglements between Billy Ritchie and the wife of an overweight man, who himself has been flirting. In a restaurant, this all comes to a denouement that leads to a duel and a chase.


Mabel is pursued by her boss, despite being engaged to his son, in this gender-bending comedy of errors and mistaken identities.


Charlie is hanging around in the park, finding problems with a jealous suitor, a man who thinks that Charlie has robbed him a watch, a policeman and even a little boy, all because our friend can't stop snooping.


Roscoe is a family man at the seaside, lumbered with a shrewish wife and an extremely annoying young son. He meets up with a charming young lady in a bathing costume, and the two of them break into a charming and delightful dance. Unfortunately, the bathing beauty has a husband with pistols...


A Rural Demon is a 1914 movie starring Roscoe Arbuckle and Eva Nelson.

Mabel goes home after being humiliated by a masher whom her husband won't fight. The husband goes off to a bar and gets drunk.


In a dance hall, two members of the orchestra and a tipsy dancer fight over the hat check girl.


This early Chaplin film has him playing a character quite different from the Tramp for which he would become famous. He is a rich, upper-class gentleman whose romance is endangered when his girlfriend oversees him being embraced by a maid. Chaplin's romantic interest in this film, Minta Durfee, was the wife of fellow Keystone actor, Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle.


A womanizing city man meets Tillie in the country, after a fight with his girlfriend. When he sees that Tillie's father has a very large bankroll for his workers, he persuades her to elope with him.
