Evgeniy Gerchakov

Strange things happen in city N. People massively fall into a state similar to a coma. Doctors are at a loss. Investigate the incident entrusted to the best investigator of the city. He, a follower of the materialist position, is faced with inexplicable and mystical events that change not only his worldview, but also his life...

A man impersonates a nanny to infiltrate a millionaire's household and steal his fortune.


A group of scientists is sent to the planet Arkanar to help the local civilization, which is in the Medieval phase of its own history, to find the right path to progress. Their task is a difficult one: they cannot interfere violently and in no case can they kill. The scientist Rumata tries to save the local intellectuals from their punishment and cannot avoid taking a position. As if the question were: what would you do in God's place?


Kostya, a young man who is deeply in love with Veronika is going to introduce her to his parents. But not everything is going according to the plan...


Comedy with elements of the absurd about the absurdity of life, unfulfilled dreams and the mysteries of the Russian soul. The unfortunate Bit about that is after he kicked his wife and threw favorite, decided to be a dwarf and live under the gas stove.


Rock'n'roll for Princesses (Russian: Рок-н-ролл для принцесс, romanized: Rok-n-roll dlya printsess) is a 1991 Soviet children's fantasy film directed by Radomir Vasilevsky, based on the book Tournament in the Kingdom of Fiofegas by Radiy Pogodin. King of one fairy kingdom Philogerts (Viktor Pavlov) is concerned that his only son Prince Philotheus (Andrei Ankudinov) does not want to grow up. Then the king decides to get him married. To do this, he arranges a contest of princesses, the winner of which will become the wife of Philotheus. The court magician of the kingdom of Izmora (Grazhyna Baikshtite) helps to arrange the competition.


An old woman invades the home of a lonely writer and dies. Soon she becomes his obsession, which is impossible to get rid of.

Mrs. Rada the Goat tells her five children to behave while she goes to the fair, and under no circumstances open the door to anyone except her. But the Big Bad Wolf, Kostika (Titi) Suru, and his nephew, the Little Bad Wolf, along with friends Rassul the Lynx and Petrika the Donkey has made a plan to kidnap the children while their mother is away. And when the eldest child, Matei, decides to disobey his mother and visit the fair himself, things start to go badly for the goat-family.
