Evgeniy Pomeshchikov

A Soviet scientific expedition is being prepared as the world's first mission to planet Mars. Their space ship Homeland has been built at a space station, where the expedition awaits the command to start. An American ship Typhoon experiencing mechanical problems arrives at the same space station, secretly having the same plans for the conquest of the Red Planet. Trying to stay ahead of Soviets, they start without proper preparation, and soon are again in distress. The Homeland changes course to save the crew of Typhoon. They succeed, but find that their fuel reserves are now insufficient to get to Mars. So Homeland makes an emergency landing on an asteroid "Icarus" passing near Mars, on which they are stranded. After an attempt to send a fuel supply by unmanned rocket fails, another ship Meteor is sent with a cosmonaut on a possibly suicidal mission, to save the stranded cosmonauts.


A story about Sofijka, a young girl who is just starting her singer career.


In the distant future, the post-nuclear holocaust Earth is divided into two rival superpowers, North Hemis and South Hemis. Both empires are engaged in competitive race to reach Mars. When a badly under-equipped rocket malfunctions and begins drifting toward the sun, its helpless crew is rescued by the rival mission team. The combined crew continue the flight to mars, when colossal monsters lies in wait on the Martian moons!


A young sailor Sergey is in love with Lena so he decides to join her during the Moscow Music festival.


A graduate of medical school, wanting to stay in Leningrad , Leningrad married - an engineer who designs bridges - Alexis. It was a marriage of convenience. However, Lyudmila, a capable student, the committee on the distribution of reserves in Leningrad, and in that time, Alex agrees to the construction of a bridge in Siberia, and demands that his wife was riding with him ...


The war is over. The Red Army soldier Pyotr tries to find himself in a peaceful life. He takes the place of an accountant, and long-time friend Nazar, who has already grown to the post of the head of a collective farm, helps him in this. Together they achieve high performance indicators of their wards, skillfully solving controversial issues and emerging from confused situations.


A story about two teenagers and their life during WWII in Urals district of Russia.


The New Adventures of Schweik adopted to the WWII reality.


The film tells about the front-line friendship between the sons of two people- Gafiz and Ivan.

A comedy about the happy life of Ukrainian collective farmers. Harvesting in one of the Ukrainian collective farms. The tractor driver Pavlo and the best collective farmer Marinka work perfectly. They love each other. I like not only Paul. The official and adventurer Kovynko has long been yearning for the Marinka and building all sorts of intrigues to the Komsomol members.
