Ewa Gawryluk

Klara, devoted to her work as a tax inspector, becomes infatuated with the dashing but irresponsible and cynical Marian who is about to be charged with tax evasion.


When cancer-stricken alcoholic actor discovers he's only got 3 months to live, he decides to change his life and reconcile with his estranged daughter.


As Poland is placed under martial law in 1981, two confidence tricksters try to evade both the police and the army. They become embroiled in a web of schemes engineered by the secret service, fellow criminals and the democratic resistance.


Na Wspólnej is a Polish soap opera. It has been running since 2003 on the TVN channel as its flagship primetime weekday soap opera. It is loosely based on the German production Unter Uns and it follows the lives of the inhabitants of an apartment block in Wspólna Street, Warsaw. Episodes tend to last around 20 minutes. It is a Polish version of the Hungarian "Barátok közt". The series is shot almost entirely in Warsaw and produced by the Polish branch of Freemantle Media. On 9 September 2008 it celebrated its 1000th episode; "Na Wspólnej" was the fourth Polish television series ever to achieve such status. A special episode was broadcast in which characters from some other of TVN's most popular shows visited Wspólna Street.



Following a fire at an orphanage, the kids are moved into a seniors' home. A young girl tries to befriend and cheer up an elderly man who is full of regrets at the end of his life.


Two friends recall the PRL. After serving time in jail, they took up an illegal currency exchange. Cheated by partner - they decide to take revenge. Preparations take many months, but the action ends differently than it was planned.


Small children find magical machine and try to understand that the golden chicken is not a bird.


Young man frustrated with his life and pointless job becomes one of the suspects in serial killer investigation, but he suspects someone else...


The year is 1750. Europe is in a ravaged state following a plague. Victor Moritz and Rufolf de Sevre are gamblers, frequenters of elegant casinos and fashionable brothels. Rudolf is a young aristocrat, charming and charismatic. His degenerate behavior has an animal intensity. Victor, though leading the life of libertine, remains to one side. He is a man of a refined taste despite his low birth and buys his noble title thanks to his gambling skills. Victor and Rudolf have been inseparable friends for years. Then two young, beautiful and innocent people - a brother and sister - enter their life...


Partly thriller, partly dark comedy, the tagline of this film announce that any resemblance to real-life characters and situations were completely intentional. This had the audience guessing who the main characters were supposed to represent: those biznismeni and post-socialist yuppies who after 1989 teamed up with their former enemies to exploit Poland ruthlessly.
